At CeFEMA the research covers three main interdisciplinary Research Areas: Fundamental Physics, Applied Physics, and Engineering of Advanced Materials and Processes.

Learn about our Research Topics & Group Projects →

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Research Groups

CFNMRS — Complex Fluid, NMR and Surfaces Group

The core of the CFNMRS group is composed by researchers of the Condensed Matter and Nanotechnology Scientific Area of the IST and Physics Department.

LASYP — Laser-Assisted Synthesis and Processing Group

The Laser-Assisted Synthesis and Processing Group includes two poles, one at Instituto Superior Técnico and the second one at Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa.

MemChem — Membrane, Chemical and Electrochemical Processes Group

MemChem is pioneering sustainable and medical innovations across four core research domains.

Subgroups: SMEA, GEECS

NanoMatter — Multiscale Nanostructured Materials Group

The group is focused on materials engineered so that multiple length scales are simultaneously explored.

TheorPhys — Theoretical Physics Group

The members of the Theoretical Physics Group are experts in the area of Quantum Matter and Information, in particular in the topics of Condensed Matter Physics and of Hadronic and Nuclear Physics, where CeFEMA is a leading research unit of IST.

Physics of Information and Quantum Technologies

CeFEMA is launching new activities in quantum (Q) technologies, both in terms of fundamental research and its potential technological applications.


April 22, 2023

PhD Fellowships 23

The Center for Physics and Engineering of Advanced Materials (CeFEMA) of the Instituto Superior Técnico opens a call for awarding 1 (one) Research Grant for PhD under the FCT Research Grant Regulations (RBI) and the Research Fellowship Statute (EBI). Open from 1 to 15 May, 2023.

March 16, 2022

PhD Fellowships 22

The Center for Physics and Engineering of Advanced Materials (CeFEMA) of the Instituto Superior Técnico opens a call for awarding 1 (one) Research Grant for PhD, in the field of Chemical Engineering, under the FCT Research Grant Regulations (RBI) and the Research Fellowship Statute (EBI). Open from 1 to 15 April, 2022.

Career Opportunities

CeFEMA regularly offers opportunities for research leading to Master and PhD degrees, as well as post-doctoral grants in a wide variety of topics. In CeFEMA you will find dynamic teams at the forefront of advanced materials research and a friendly environment.