TheorPhys — Theoretical Physics Group
The members of the Theoretical Physics Group are experts in the area of Quantum Matter and Information, in particular in the topics of Condensed Matter Physics and of Hadronic and Nuclear Physics, where CeFEMA is a leading research unit of IST.
The Theoretical Physics Group promotes research in the areas of Physics and Mathematical Physics. The research activity has been centred on the study of non-perturbative phenomena. The main areas are Condensed Matter Physics, Hadronic and Nuclear Physics, Differential Geometry and Relativity.
In the area of condensed matter physics, we have had projects in the areas of low-dimensional systems and materials, spintronics, cold atoms, superconductivity and quantum information. In hadronic and nuclear physics, we have had projects on QCD-inspired non-perturbative methods and models applied to hadrons, nuclear physics beyond the drip-lines and the study of exotic nuclei.
The current work of the group concentrates, on the one hand, on work on theoretical physics to study fundamental properties of quite varied systems, over various energy scales, and on the other hand on possible applications in materials science. Physics thrives on analogies and the varied expertise of the group members will be used to provide a better understanding of unifying properties of different systems, ranging from condensed matter physics to nuclear and hadronic physics. Physical concepts and methods are common to the areas of physics of strongly interacting and strongly correlated systems, and fruitful interchanges of ideas and experience will be pursued. Also, various aspects of physical systems involve geometrical aspects and a growing importance of topology in physical systems establishes a strong link to mathematics such as differential geometry.
An important part of the work will focus on possible technological applications such as in the context of devices relevant to spintronics, fast spin dynamics in various configurations and using various methods to induce changes in spin orientation, and in the search for engineering materials (such as nanograins) with enhanced superconducting transitions of great technological potential. Also, an important goal is to contribute to the wide effort to construct a useful quantum computer based on a technology of condensed matter systems. In particular, we will be involved with possible technological uses of states that emerge in topological systems, such as the Majorana fermions predicted in topological superconductors.
Current and future interests
Search for new phases of matter
Study of the interplay between electron-electron and electron-lattice interactions in graphene and related systems (bilayer, trilayer). The electron-lattice coupling in graphene is very unusual and, when complemented with electron-electron interactions, is expected to lead to novel phases of matter. Study of possible intrinsic magnetism, superconductivity and topological phases in novel 2D materials (transition metal dechalcogenides, silicene) including topological superconductors. Hybrid heterostructures of graphene and novel 2D materials are then expected to have new functionalities with technological potential. In the search for novel phases of matter, the study of bosonic systems in optical lattices allows mappings to spin Heisenberg Hamiltonians or Josephson junction arrays.
Dense and condensed systems
Continuation of the study of superconductivity in novel materials, and identification and characterization of theoretical mechanisms that enhance superconductivity. Also, superconductivity in nanostructures, heterostructures and interfaces, exotic/novel forms of superconductivity based on Efimov physics, topological and holographic superconductivity. Holographic methods will be used to study universal properties of strongly correlated systems.
Theory of spin dynamics in magnetic materials and nanostructures induced by ultrafast optical injection of charge and magnetic excitations will be developed and subsequent relaxation and long-term dynamics will be studied. We will be working on a method of characterization of the magnetic tunnel junctions by measuring the shot noise in magnetic structures, and plan to identify important parameters like spin relaxation time and electron correlation energy.
Application of information theory
Applications of information theory methods and concepts to the study and characterization of condensed matter systems and phase transitions, namely fidelity. Manipulation of Majorana fermions in topological superconductors as a possible application to topological quantum computers.
Systems far from equilibrium
An important part of the work will be focused on the study of non-equilibrium phase transitions and conditions, and a route to thermalization in strongly interacting systems using conventional methods and holographic techniques. In particular, we will focus on the dynamics of transitions to topological phases.
Nuclei far from stability
We plan to achieve a consistent understanding of the structure of exotic odd-even and odd-odd nuclei at the extremes of stability; To extend the self-consistent relativistic density functional formalism based on realistic interactions and describe exotic decays of deformed nuclei; To study process of nuclear astrophysics, and nuclear reactions where a realistic equation of state derived from many body theory is relevant.
Resonances and bound states
Fractionalization and confinement of degrees of freedom in low-dimensional systems will be studied. Conditions for the formation of bound-states will be studied in the context of scattering theories and the Bethe-Salpeter equation. Further employment of Resonance-Spectrum Expansion, both for scattering and production processes. More empirical analysis of mesonic production data, to be modeled with resonances and threshold effects. Search for additional data supporting light E(38) boson. Model description of oscillations and CP violation in K, D, and B sectors due to W-boson width.
Differential geometry and applications to physical systems
Comparison of results on the principal eigenvalue of a drift-gradient Laplace operator on compact domains of manifolds. Minimum principles, Rayleigh-type inequalities, diffusion equation. Isoperimetric inequalities for periodic regions with symmetries with applications in crystallography and materials, least area interfaces separating two liquids. Geometric phases and their connection to physical problems will be pursued.
Cluster for scientific computation of the Theory Group of CeFEMA
We have 10 nodes in our cluster for scientific computation, weekly updated and maintained by our informatician.
— 1 node mostly for emails
— 1 node with large disk space to save the data produced in the computations
— 2 nodes for serial scientific computation mostly in c++ and fortran
— 3 nodes with 128 Gb RAMs for large memory scientific computation mostly in c++ e fortran
— 4 nodes IDIA RTX GUPS for parallel scientific computation mostly in CUDA
Leading isospin breaking effects of the hadronic vacuum polarisation
Collaborator on a 3.6M core–h allocation at CSCS 2016-2017, Switzerland.
Muon g-2 and the isospin breaking corrections to the hadronic contributions
Collaborator on a 0.6M core–h allocation at clusters Kelvin and Lonsdale, 2017, the Research IT Compute Resources, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland.
Chasing deconfinement with lattice QCD simulations (Estudo do desconfinamento usando simulações de QCD na rede)
CERN/FIS-COM/0029/2017. Financing: 10.000€. From 01-11-2018 to 31-10-2020.
In search of novel mechanisms to increase the critical temperature of a superconductor
Members: A. García-García (head), Vítor João Rocha Vieira, Miguel António da Nova Araújo, Pedro Domingos Santos do Sacramento. Duration: 2011-01-01 to 2013-12-31.
Sponsor: FCT (Project PTDC/FIS/111348/2009).
Superconductivity in nanostructures, cold atoms and string theory
Members: A. García-García (head), Vítor João Rocha Vieira. Duration: 2010-09-01 to 2012-08-31.
Sponsor: European Commission International Reintegration Grant (PIRG07-GA-2010-268172).
Electronic properties of novel FeAs-based superconductors
Members: Miguel Araújo (head), Pedro Ribeiro, Pedro D. Sacramento, Vitalli Dugaev, Yuriy Pogorelov, Mário Santos
. Duration: 2010-04-01 to 2012-09-30.
Sponsor: FCT (Project PTDC/FIS/101126/2008)
Eigenvalues of the Laplacian: analytic, geometric and computational aspects
Members: Pedro Freitas (head), Pedro Antunes, Carlos Alves, Isabel Salavessa, Radoslaw Wojciechowski, Denis Borisov. Duration: 2010-01-01 to 2012-12-31.
Sponsor: FCT (Project PTDC/MAT/101007/2008).
Exotic radioactivities
Members: Lídia Ferreira (head), Enrico Maglione, Ning Yu
. Duration: 2011-03-17 to 2012-03-16.
Sponsor: FTC (CERN Project CERN/FP/116385/2010)
Hadronic resonances and non-resonances
Members: G. Rupp (head, CFIF), S. Coito (CFIF), E. van Beveren (CFC, Univ. Coimbra), P. Bicudo (CFTP, IST), V. Sauli, M. Cardoso (CFTP, IST), N. Cardoso (CFTP, IST), D.V. Bugg (Univ. London), F. Kleefeld (HLG, Fuerth), M.D. Scadron (Univ. Arizona, Tucson). Duration: 2011-01-01 to 2011-12-31.
Sponsor: FTC (CERN Project CERN/FP/116333/2010).
Exotic decays with relativistic microscopic interactions
Members: Lídia Ferreira (head), Enrico Maglione, Peter Ring, Paramasivan Arumugam
. Duration: 2010-01-01 to 2010-12-31.
Sponsor: FTC (CERN Project CERN/FP/109319/2009).
Hadronic resonances and confinement
Members: George Rupp (head), Pedro Bicudo, Eef van Beveren, Frieder Kleefeld, Michael Scadron, David Bugg, Marco Cardoso, Vladimir Sauli, Kanchan Khemchandani, Susana Coito
. Duration: 2010-01-01 to 2010-12-31.
Sponsor: FTC (CERN Project CERN/FP/109307/2009).
Nuclear Physics beyond the drip-lines
Members: Lídia Ferreira (head), Enrico Maglione, Miguel Costa Lopes, Paramasivan Arumugam, Philip Walker, Ashok Jain, Nguyen Dang
. Duration: 2007-06-15 to 2010-12-31.
Sponsor: FCT (Project PTDC/FIS/68340/2006)
Hadron production, scattering, and spectroscopy
Members: George Rupp (head), Pedro Bicudo, Eef van Beveren, Marco Cardoso, Vladimir Sauli, Xiang Liu, Kanchan Khemchandani, Susana Coito.
Duration: 2009-01-01 to 2010-07-01.
Sponsor: FTC (CERN Project CERN/FP/83502/2008)
Search for neutron emission in exotic nuclei
Members: Lídia Ferreira (head), Miguel Costa Lopes, Paramasivan Arumugam
. Duration: 2007-11-15 to 2008-11-14.
Sponsor: FTC (Project POCI/FP/81978/2007)
Non-perturbative methods and phenomena in the Standard Model
Members: George Rupp (head), Pedro Bicudo, Eef van Beveren, Vladimir Sauli
. Duration: 2007-11-01 to 2008-10-31.
Sponsor: FCT (CERN Project POCI/FP/81913/2007).
Non-perturbative hadron spectroscopy
Members: George Rupp (head), Pedro Bicudo, Eef van Beveren. Duration: 2007-01-01 to 2008-04-08.
Sponsor: FCT (CERN Project POCI/FP/63907/2005)
Challenging new and old resonances in hadronic physics
Members: George Rupp (head), Pedro Bicudo, Eef van Beveren, Frieder Kleefeld. Duration: 2005-10-01 to 2006-12-31.
Sponsor: FCT (CERN Project POCI/FP/63437/2005)
Structures in the continuum
Members: Lídia Ferreira (head), Miguel Costa Lopes, Giorgio Cattapan, Enrico Maglione. Duration: 2004-05-01 to 2006-04-31.
Sponsor: FCT (Project POCTI/FNU/44958/2002)
Theoretical analysis of high-precision meson-meson scattering data using a unitarised meson model
Members: Eef van Beveren (head, Univ. Coimbra), George Rupp (head at IST), Frieder Kleefeld
. Duration: 2004-10-01 to 2005-09-30.
Sponsor: FCT (CERN Project POCTI/FP/FNU/50328/2003)
Theoretical study of light scalar mesons from singularity doubling in a unitarised meson model
Members: Eef van Beveren (head, Univ. Coimbra), George Rupp (head at IST), Frieder Kleefeld, Nicholas Petropoulos. Duration: 2002-04-01 to 2005-03-31.
Sponsor: FCT (CERN/FIS/43697/2001)
Theoretical study of the nature of the light scalar mesons, especially the Kappa or K0*(800), within a coupled-channel quark/meson model
Members: Eef van Beveren (head, Univ. Coimbra), George Rupp, Frieder Kleefeld, Nikolas Petropoulos
. Duration: 2003-05-01 to 2004-09-30.
Sponsor: FCT (POCTI/FNU/49555/2002)
Nuclear structure under extreme isospin conditions
Members: Lídia Ferreira (head), Giovanni Pollarolo, Raquel Crespo, Filomena Nunes, Santo Lunardi, Enrico Maglione, Francesca Soramel
. Duration: 2000-09-01 to 2003-08-31.
Sponsor: FCT (Project POCTI/36575/1999)
Theoretical study of scalar mesons and tau lepton physics
Members: Eef van Beveren (head, Univ. Coimbra), George Rupp (head at IST), Alex Blin, Brigitte Hiller, Alexander Osipov, Frieder Kleefeld, Nicholas Petropoulos. Duration: 2001-04-01 to 2002-03-31.
Sponsor: FCT (CERN/P/FIS/40119/2000)
Calculation of hadronic properties in non-perturbative QCD
Sponsor: FCT (Project PRAXIS/C/FIS/14262/98)
Members: José Emílio Ribeiro (head), Stephen Cottanch, Adam Sczcpaniac, Eric Swanson, Pedro Bicudo, Carlos Plácido Alexandre, Felipe Llanes-Estrada, João Miguel Rodrigues, Manuel Faria, Rui Jorge Fernandes
Duration: 1999-03-01 to 2001-02-28.
Electronic transport and magnetic dynamics in low-dimensional magnetic systems and nanostructures
Sponsor: FCT (Project PTDC/FIS/70843/2006)
Members: Vítor Vieira (head), Paula Antunes, Yuriy Vygranenko, Maria Manuela Vieira, Miguel Araújo, Pedro D. Sacramento, Vitalii Dugaev, Alessandro Fantoni, José Emílio Ribeiro, Alexey Nefediev, Paul Horley, Ricardo Nunes, Lígia Silva
Duration: 2007-08-01 to 2011-07-31.
Studies of fermionic and bosonic ultra-cold atoms systems
Sponsor: FCT (Project PTDC/FIS/64926/2006)
Members: José Carmelo (head), Vítor Vieira, Nuno Peres, Maria José Sampaio, José Tito Mendonça, Pedro D. Sacramento, José Carlos Gomes, Hugo Terças, Rodrigo Pereira
Duration: 2007-07-01 to 2011-06-30.
Spin current manipulation and spin torque effects in magnetic nanostructures
Sponsor: Polish-Portuguese cooperation program
Members: Vítor Rocha Vieira, Miguel Araújo, Pedro D. Sacramento, Paul Horley, Vitalii Dugaev, Józef Barnaś, Witold Dobrowolski, Czeslaw Jasiukiewicz, Tadeusz Paszkiewicz
Duration: 2009 to 2010.
Interdisciplinary statistical and field theory approaches to nanophysics and low dimensional systems
Sponsor: ESF Science Programme INSTANS
Members: John L. Cardy (principal applicant), Reinhold Egger (principal applicant), Hubert Saleur (principal applicant), plus 34 other members from Italy, France, Germany, Spain, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Switzerland, Sweden, Portugal, and Hungary
. CFIF Members: Pedro Sacramento
Duration: October 2005 to October 2010.
Transport properties and spin dynamics in low-dimensional magnetic systems and nanostructures
Sponsor: Polish-Portuguese cooperation program
Members: V.R. Vieira, P.D. Sacramento, M.A.N. Araújo, V. Dugaev, Józef Barnaś, W. Dobrowolski
Duration: 2007 to 2008.
Effects of the interplay between electronic correlations and low dimensionality in complex materials
Sponsor: FCT (Project POCI/FIS/58133/2004)
Members: José M.P. Carmelo (head), Nuno M.M.R. Peres, Pedro D.S. Sacramento, Luis M.F.R. Martelo, Daniel M.P. Bozi, Katrina E. Hibberd
Duration: 2005-07-01 to 2008-12-30.
Manipulation of spin and charge currents in magnetic nanostructures
Sponsor: FCT (Project POCI/FIS/58746/2004)
Members: Vitalii Dugaev (head), Paula Antunes, Vítor R. Vieira, Yuriy Vygranenko, Maria Manuela Vieira, Miguel Araújo, António Maçarico, Donatello Brida, Pedro D. Sacramento, Alessandro Fantoni
Duration: 2005-01-01 to 2007-07-31.
QuantLog: logic for quantum computation and information
Sponsor: FCT (Project POCI/MAT/55796/2004)
Members: Amílcar Sernadas (head), Luís Cruz-Filipe, Ricardo Gonçalves, José Cidade Mourão, Misha Protin, Paulo Mateus, Carlos Caleiro, Vítor Rocha Vieira, Maria Cristina Sernadas, Yasser Omar, Pedro Adão, Jaime Ramos, João Nunes, João Rasga, António Pires, Ana Martins, Cláudia Philippart, Jorge d Almeida, Karina Roggia, Nikola Paunkovic
Duration: 2005-01-01 to 2007-06-30.
Electronic properties of new materials
Sponsor: FCT (Project PRAXIS 2/2.1/FIS/302/94)
Members: José Carmelo (head), Pedro D. Sacramento, João Lopes dos Santos, J.F.F. Mendes, Yuri Pogorelov, João Viana Lopes
Duration: 1999-01-01 to 2001-12-31.
Special holonomy geometry
Sponsor: FCT (Project POCI/MAT/60671/2004)
Members: Isabel Salavessa (head), Ana Pereira do Vale, Rui Albuquerque
Duration: 2005-05-01 to 2008-04-30.

Master Interns
— José Maria Nina Carreira Ferreira da Cruz
MSc students
— Bernardo Picão
— Pedro Tavares
— Afonso Leitão Sousa Ribeiro
— António von Hafe Andrade Fernandes de Oliveira
— Diogo Martins Ribeiro Araújo Aguiar
— Rodrigo Miguel Chinita Pereira
— José Filipe Bernardo Afonso
— Tiago Manuel de Carvalho Jorge
Bsc students
— Afonso Branco Alves
Graduate students
— João Braz
Other Researchers
— Henrique Silvério
— Lucas Sá
— Miguel Mestre Gonçalves
— Pedro Ninhos
Books and Book Chapters
"Topology in condensed matter: an introduction" M. A. N. Araújo, P. Sacramento., Ed. World Scientific (Singapore 2021) ISBN: 978-981-123-721-8, 2021
Report on the First NUSPRASEN-EURISOL User Group Meeting, “Physics Cases and Instrumentation for EURISOL-DF, the next step towards EURISO”, Eurisol Users Group, Lídia S. Ferreira (2018)
"Dynamics of quenched topological edge modes" P.D. Sacramento, Spin Orbitronics and Topological Properties of Nanostructures, pp. 110, Vitalii Dugaev et al, 2018
"Spintronics and Technological Applications" E.Ya. Sherman, D.V. Khomitsky, V.K. Dugaev, Advances in Semiconductor Research: Physics of Nanosystems, pp. 105, D.P. Adorno and S. Pokutnyj, Nova Science Publ, New York, ISBN: 978-1-63321-755-, 2015
"Handbook of Surface Science: Magnetism of Surfaces, Interface, and Nanoscale Materials" J. Barnas, V.K. Dugaev, Giant magnetoresistance, pp. 371, Elsevier, Amsterdam, R.E. Camley, Z. Celinski, R.L. Stamps (eds.), ISBN-13: 978-0444626344, 2015
" Workshop on Unquenched Hadron Spectroscopy Non Perturbative Models and Methods of QCD vs. Experiment", Eef van Beveren's 70th birthday (EEF70), Acta Phys. Polon. B Proc. Suppl. 8, pp. 1, P. Bicudo, A. Blin, B. Hiller, and G. Rupp (editors), Coimbra, Portugal, September 1-5, 2014
"Andreev spectroscopy and vortex structure in iron arsenide superconductors" M.A.N. Araujo, M. Cardoso, P. Ribeiro and P.D. Sacramento, Magnetic Mechanism of Superconductivity in Copper Oxide and Pnictide Superconductors, Nova Science Publishers, 2011
"Charge and Spin Transport in Magnetic Nanowires" N. Sedlmayr, J. Berakdar, M. A. N. Araujo, V. K. Dugaev and J. Barnas, Nanowires – Fundamental Research, pp. 467, Abbass Hashim (ed.), InTech, ISBN 978-953-307-327-9, 2011
"Numerical Simulations of Physical and Engineering Processes" Paul Horley, Vitor Vieira, Jesus Gonzalez-Hernandez, Vitalii Dugaev and Jozef Barnas, Numerical Simulations of Nano-Scale Magnetization Dynamics, Jan Awrejcewicz (ed.), InTech, 2011
Journal Papers
A. Sharifian, N. Cardoso and P. Bicudo, "Eight very excited flux tube spectra and possible axions in SU(3) lattice gauge theory,'" Phys. Rev. D \textbf{107}, no.11, 114507 (2023) [arXiv:2303.15152 [hep-lat]].
P. Bicudo, N. Cardoso, L. Mueller and M. Wagner, "Study of I=0 bottomonium bound states and resonances in S, P, D, and F waves with lattice QCD static-static-light-light potentials,'' Phys. Rev. D \textbf{107}, no.9, 094515 (2023) [arXiv:2205.11475 [hep-lat]].
Silva João, Araújo, Miguel A. N., Gonçalves, M., Ribeiro, Pedro, Castro, Eduardo V., ”Delocalization of topological surface states by diagonal disorder in nodal loop semimetals”, Physical Review B 107, 045146 (2023)
“Probing triaxiality beyond the proton drip line: Spectroscopy of 147 Tm” K. Auranen, P. Siwach, P. Arumugam, A. D. Briscoe, L. S. Ferreira, et al. Phys Rev C 108 (2023) L011303
“Nanosecond-Scale Proton Emission from Strongly Oblate-Deformed 149Lu” K. Auranen1, A. D. Briscoe, L. S. Ferreira, et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 128,(2022) 112501
“Effects of triaxiality and residual n p interaction in the proton emission from Ho 140” Pooja Siwach, P. Arumugam, S. Modi, L. S. Ferreira, and E. Maglione, Phys. Rev. C 106,(2022) 044322. DOI:10.1103/PhysRevC.106.044322
“Fine structure in the odd-odd proton emitter Tm 144” Pooja Siwach, P. Arumugam, S. Modi, L. S. Ferreira, and E. Maglione, Phys. Rev. C 105(2022) L031302 DOI:10.1103/PhysRevC.105.L031302
“Interpretation of 108I as an odd-odd gamma-deformed proton emitter” P Siwach, P Arumugam, S Modi, LS Ferreira, E Maglione Physical Review C 103 (2021) L031303
“Behavior of chiral bands in 128,130Cs and 130La” Pooja Siwach, P. Arumugam, L. S. Ferreira, and E. Maglione Phys. Rev. C 103 (2021) 024327
“Nonadiabatic quasiparticle description of rotation-particle coupling in triaxial odd–odd nuclei” P Siwach, P Arumugam, S Modi, LS Ferreira, E Maglione Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 47 (2020) 125105.
“Chirality in 136-138Pm” Pooja Siwach, P.Arumugam, L.S.Ferreira, E.Maglione Phys. Lett. B 811 (2020)135937
Bicudo, N. Cardoso, M. Cardoso., "Pure gauge QCD flux tubes and their widths at finite temperature", Nucl. Phys. B , 88 (2019)
Isabel Maria da Costa Salavessa, Ann Glob Anal Geom 53, 265 (2018)
P.D. Sacramento and V.R. Vieira, "Duality and topology", Ann. Phys. 391, 216 (2018)
J.M.P. Carmelo and P. D. Sacramento, "Pseudoparticle approach to 1D integrable quantum models", Phys. Rep. 749, 1 (2018)
Bicudo, N. Cardoso, M. Cardoso., "Color field densities of the quark-antiquark excited flux tubes in SU(3) lattice QCD", Phys. Rev. , 114507 (2018)
Zhen-Hua Wang, Eduardo V. Castro, Hai-Qing Lin , "Strain manipulation of Majorana fermions in graphene armchair nanoribbons ", Phys. Rev. B 97, 041414(R) (2018)
Miguel A. N. Araújo and Linhu Li, "Broken-symmetry phases of interacting nested Weyl and Dirac loops", Phys. Rev. B 98, 155114 (2018)
Bicudo, N. Cardoso, M. Cardoso., "Color field densities of the quark-antiquark excited flux tubes in SU(3) lattice QCD", Phys. Rev. D , 114507 (2018)
Isabel Salavessa , "Heinz mean curvature estimate in warped product spaces $M imes_{e^{psi}}N$ ", Ann Glob Anal Geom 53, 265 (2017)
Amorim, P. A. D. Gonçalves, M. I. Vasilevskiy, N. M. R. Peres, "Impact of Graphene on the Polarizability of a Neighbour Nanoparticle: A Dyadic Green’s Function Study ", Appl. Sci. 7, 1158 (2017)
George Rupp, Eef van Beveren, "Why static bound-state calculations of tetraquarks should be met with scepticism", Chinese Phys. C 41, 053104 (2017)
Nogueira, "From Feynman rules to conserved quantum numbers I", Comput. Phys. Commun. 214, 83 (2017)
Nogueira, "From Feynman rules to conserved quantum numbers II", Comput. Phys. Commun.215, 13 (2017)
Ana Cristina Ferreira , Isabel Salavessa, "Dirichlet principal eigenvalue comparison theorems in geometry with torsion ", J. Math. Anal. Appl. 453, 700 (2017)
Mera, C. Vlachou, N. Paunkovic, V. R. Vieira, "Boltzmann-Gibbs states in topological quantum walks and associated many-body systems: fidelity and Uhlmann parallel transport analysis of phase transitions", J. Phys. A: Math. Theor 50, 365302 (2017)
Pedro Bicudo, Jonas Scheunert, Marc Wagner., "Including heavy spin effects in the prediction of a $ar{b} ar{b} u d$ tetraquark with lattice QCD potentials", Phys. Rev. , 034502 (2017)
Muzzamal I. Shaukat, Eduardo V. Castro, Hugo Terças , "Quantum dark soliton (qubits) in Bose Einstein condensates ", Phys. Rev. A 95, 053618 (2017)
Igor V. Blinov, Pedro Ribeiro, A. N. Rubtsov, "Post-quench dynamics and suppression of thermalization in an open half-filled Hubbard layer ", Phys. Rev. B 95, 024309 (2017)
T.O. Puel, P.D. Sacramento, M.A. Continentino, "4 pi Josephson currents in junctions of hybridized multiband superconductors", Phys. Rev. B 95, 094509 (2017)
Linhu Li, Chuanhao Yin, Shu Chen, Miguel A. N. Araújo, "Chiral topological insulating phases from three-dimensional nodal loop semimetals", Phys. Rev. B 95, 121107(R) (2017)
Pedro Ribeiro, "Steady-state properties of a nonequilibrium Fermi gas ", Phys. Rev. B 96, 054302 (2017)
Alexey M. Shakirov, Alexey N. Rubtsov, Alexander I. Lichtenstein, Pedro Ribeiro , "Relaxation and decoherence of qubits encoded in collective states of engineered magnetic structures ", Phys. Rev. B 96, 094410 (2017)
Cadez, R. Mondaini and P. D. Sacramento , "Dynamical localization and the effects of aperiodicity in Floquet systems", Phys. Rev. B 96, 144301 (2017)
Yen-Hung Ho, Eduardo V. Castro, Miguel A. Cazalilla , "The Haldane model under nonuniform ", Phys. Rev. B 96, 155446 (2017)
Linhu Li, Han Hoe Yap, Miguel A. N. Araújo, Jiangbin Gong, "Engineering topological phases with a three-dimensional nodal-loop semimetal", Phys. Rev. B 96, 235424 (2017)
Vicente Arjona, Eduardo V. Castro, María A. H. Vozmediano , "Collapse of Landau levels in Weyl semimetals ", Phys. Rev. B 96, 081110(R) (2017)
Eduardo V. Castro, Miguel A. Cazalilla, María A. H. Vozmediano , "Raise and collapse of strain-induced pseudo-Landau levels in graphene ", Phys. Rev. B 96, 241405(R) (2017)
Modi, M. Patial, P. Arumugam, E. Maglione, L. S. Ferreira, "Nonadiabatic quasiparticle approach for rotation-particle coupling in triaxial odd- A nuclei", Phys. Rev. C 95, 024326 (2017)
Modi, M. Patial, P. Arumugam, E. Maglione, L. S. Ferreira, "Triaxiality in the proton emitter 109I", Phys. Rev. C 95, 054323 (2017)
Modi, M. Patial, P. Arumugam, L. S. Ferreira, E. Maglione, "Decay of Tm147 and the role of triaxiality studied with a nonadiabatic quasiparticle approach", Phys. Rev. C 96, 064308 (2017)
Pedro Bicudo, Marco Cardoso, Antje Peters, Martin Pflaumer, Marc Wagner., "$u d ar{b} ar{b}$ tetraquark resonances with lattice QCD potentials and the Born-Oppenheimer approximation", Phys. Rev. D , 054510 (2017)
Bicudo, M. Cardoso, O. Oliveira, P.J. Silva., "Lattice QCD static potentials of the meson-meson and tetraquark systems computed with both quenched and full QCD", Phys. Rev. D , 074508 (2017)
Pedro Bicudo, Jonas Scheunert, Marc Wagner, "Including heavy spin effects in the prediction of a $ar{b} ar{b} u d$ tetraquark with lattice QCD potentials ", Phys. Rev. D 95, 034502 (2017)
Pedro Bicudo, Marco Cardoso, Antje Peters, Martin Pflaumer, Marc Wagner, "$u d ar{b} ar{b}$ tetraquark resonances with lattice QCD potentials and the Born-Oppenheimer approximation ", Phys. Rev. D 96, 054510 (2017)
Bicudo, M. Cardoso, O. Oliveira, P.J. Silva, "Lattice QCD static potentials of the meson-meson and tetraquark systems computed with both quenched and full QCD ", Phys. Rev. D 96, 074508 (2017)
Brand, P. Ribeiro, N. Néel,S. Kirchner, J. Kröger , "Impact of Atomic-Scale Contact Geometry on Andreev Reflection", Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 107001 (2017)
Mera, C. Vlachou, N. Paunkovic, and V. R. Vieira, "Uhlmann Connection in Fermionic Systems Undergoing Phase Transitions",
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 015702 (2017)
Suzuki, L. Sinclair, P.-A, Söderström, G. Lorusso, P. Davies, L. S. Ferreira, E. Maglione, et al, , "Discovery of Rb 72: A Nuclear Sandbank beyond the Proton Drip Line", Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 192503 (2017)
Modi, M. Patial, P. Arumugam, E. Maglione, L. S. Ferreira, ,"Modified particle-rotor model and low-lying rotational bands in odd-A triaxial nuclei.", Phys. Scr. 92, 094002 (2017)
Yu. S. Kalashnikova, A.V. Nefediev, J.E.F.T. Ribeiro , "Chiral symmetry and the properties of hadrons in the generalized Nambu - Jona- Lasinio model ", Phys.-Usp. 60, 667 (2017)
J.M.P. Carmelo, P. D. Sacramento , "Exponents of the spectral functions and dynamical structure factor of the 1D Lieb-Liniger Bose gas ", Ann. Phys. 369, 102 (2016)
Zamani, P. Ribeiro and S. Kirchner, "Non-linear quantum critical dynamics and fluctuation-dissipation ratios far from equilibrium", J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 400, 7 (2016)
Tilen Cadez, P.D. Sacramento , "Zero energy modes in a superconductor with ferromagnetic adatom chains and quantum phase transitions ", J. Phys. Condensed Matter 28, 495703 (2016)
E. Santos, P. Ribeiro and S. Kirchner, "The distribution of work performed on a NIS junction", New J. Phys. 18, 023007 (2016)
Zamani , P. Ribeiro, S. Kirchner, "The functional integral formulation of the Schrieffer–Wolff transformation ", New J. Phys. 18, 063024 (2016)
Lidia S. Ferreira, Enrico Maglione, "Theoretical Studies of Proton Radioactivity", Nuclear Phys. Rev. 33, 184 (2016)
S. Ferreira, E. Maglione, P. Ring., "Covariant density functional theory for decay of deformed proton emitters: a self-consistent approach", Phys Lett. B 753, 237 (2016)
Bicudo, M. Cardoso., " Tetraquark bound states and resonances in the unitary and microscopic triple string flip-flop quark model, the light-light-antiheavy-antiheavy $q q ar Qar Q$ case study", Phys. Rev. , 094032. (2016)
Ribeiro, A. E. Antipov, A. N. Rubtsov, , "Nonequilibrium breakdown of a correlated insulator through pattern formation ", Phys. Rev. B 93, 144305 (2016)
Eduardo V. Castro, Raphael de Gail, M. Pilar López-Sancho, María A. H. Vozmediano, "Absence of localization in a class of topological systems", Phys. Rev. B 93, 245414 (2016)
Dmitry V. Chichinadze, Pedro Ribeiro, Yulia E. Shchadilova, Alexey N. Rubtsov, , "Transient phases and dynamical transitions in the post quench evolution of the generalized Bose-Anderson model ", Phys. Rev. B 94, 054301 (2016)
Linhu Li, Miguel A. N. Araújo , "Topological insulating phases from two-dimensional nodal loop semimetals", Phys. Rev. B 94, 165117 (2016)
Linhu Li, Eduardo V. Castro, Pedro D. Sacramento , "Strain induced topological phase transition at zigzag edges of monolayer transition-metal dichalcogenides", Phys. Rev. B 94, 195419 (2016)
Alexey M. Shakirov, Yulia E. Shchadilova, Alexey N. Rubtsov,, Pedro Ribeiro, "Role of coherence in transport through engineered atomic spin devices ", Phys. Rev. B 94, 224425 (2016)
Wing Chi Yu, Yan Chao Li, P. D. Sacramento, Hai-Qing Lin, "Reduced density matrix and order parameters of a topological insulator.", Phys. Rev. B 94, 245123 (2016)
Hodge, D. M. Cullen, M. J. Taylor, B.S. Nara Singh, L.S. Ferreira, E. Maglione, et al., "Deformation of the proton emitter 113Cs from electromagnetic transition and proton-emission rates", Phys. Rev. C 94, 034321 (2016)
Enrico Maglione, Lidia Ferreira, "Proton emission from Pm125 could be observed", Phys. Rev. C 94, 044317 (2016)
Pedro Bicudo, Krzysztof Cichy, Antje Peters, Marc Wagner., "BB interactions with static bottom quarks from Lattice QCD", Phys. Rev. D , 034501 (2016)
Pedro Bicudo, Marco Cardoso, Felipe J. Llanes-Estrada, Tim Van Cauteren., "Mapping chiral symmetry breaking in the excited baryon spectrum", Phys. Rev. D , 054006 (2016)
Pedro Bicudo, "Chiral symmetry restoration in static-light mesons: A chiral restoration theorem, the quark running mass $m(k)$, and chiral restoration signals in the lattice QCD spectra", Phys. Rev. D , 114517 (2016)
Bicudo, M. Cardoso., " Tetraquark bound states and resonances in the unitary and microscopic triple string flip-flop quark model, the light-light-antiheavy-antiheavy $q q ar Qar Q$ case study", Phys. Rev. D , 094032. (2016)
P.D. Sacramento , "Edge mode dynamics of quenched topological wires ", Phys. Rev. E 93, 062117 (2016)
Andrey E. Antipov, Younes Javanmard, Pedro Ribeiro, Stefan Kirchner, "Interaction-tuned Anderson versus Mott localization", Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 146601 (2016)
“Proton emission study as a guide to astrophysical rp process” Pooja Siwach, P. Arumugam, S. Modi, L. S. Ferreira and E. Maglione EPJ Web of Conferences 260 (2022) 11039
“Nuclear structure of proton drip-line nuclei below Z=50, as an input to nuclear astrophysics" Lídia S. Ferreira, Enrico Maglione J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1643 (2020) 012048 https://doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1643/1/01204
Lídia S. Ferreira, Current Problems and Prospects for Nuclear Structure, pp. 011001, IOP Conference Series, in press, (2018)
"New proton drip-line nuclei relevant to nuclear astrophysics" Lídia S. Ferreira, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 966 (2018) 012025. https://doi:10.1088/1742-6596/966/1/012025
"Importance of proton drip-line nuclei to nuclear astrophysics" Lídia S. Ferreira and Enrico Maglione Nucleus 63 (2018) 58
"Communication to 35th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2017), 18-24 Jun 2017. Granada, Spain " Antje Peters, Pedro Bicudo, Marc Wagner, $bar b uar d$ four-quark systems in the Born-Oppenheimer approximation: prospects and challenges , pp. 14018, Published in EPJ Web of Conferences, 2017
"Communication to 35th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2017), 18-24 Jun 2017. Granada, Spain " Pedro Bicudo, Marco cardoso, Nuno Cardoso, Colour fields of the quark-antiquark excited flux tube , pp. 14009, Published in EPJ Web of Conferences, 2017
"Communication to Theory and Experiment for Hadrons on the Light-Front (Light Cone 2016), 05-08 Sep 2016. Lisbon, Portugal" Nuno Cardoso, Pedro Bicudo, Marco Cardoso, Confinement at Finite Temperature , pp. 117, 2017
Eef van Beveren, George Rupp, General unquenching properties of two-meson scattering and production amplitudes , pp. 1055, Published in Acta Phys.Polon.Supp. 10. Conference: C17-05-07.3 Proceedings, 2017
"Communication to Theory and Experiment for Hadrons on the Light-Front (Light Cone 2016), 05-08 Sep 2016. Lisbon, Portugal" P.J. Silva, O. Oliveira, D. Dudal, P. Bicudo, N. Cardoso, Gluons at finite temperature , pp. 127, 2017
"Communication to 35th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2017), 18-24 Jun 2017. Granada, Spain " Pedro Bicudo, Marco Cardoso, Antje Peters, Martin Pflaumer, Marc Wagner, Tetraquark resonances computed with static lattice QCD potentials and scattering theory, pp. 05017, Published in EPJ Web of Conferences, 2017
George Rupp, Eef van Beveren , Unquenching and unitarising mesons in quark models and on the lattice , pp. 1061, Published in Acta Phys.Polon.Supp. 10. Conference: C17-05-07.3 Proceedings , 2017
Pedro Tavares, “Numerical simulation of wave dynamics over a multifunctional artificial reef (MFAR)”, Supervisors: A. Mendonça, J. Fortes, P. Bicudo, Project(1st year of MsC Thesis), 2023
Bernardo Picão, “Lattice QCD and GPU parallelization (CUDA)”, Supervisor: P. Bicudo, Bsc Thesis, 2023
Margarida Caldeira, "Design, construction, characterization and bilateral comparison of an air-kerma cavity standard," Supervisor: Lídia Ferreira, PhD Thesis, 2016
Frederico Sousa, "Dilute magnetism in graphene", Supervisor: Eduardo Castro, Master Thesis, 2016
Sílvia Barros, "Neutron dosimetry and spectrometry studies for radiological protection using the nTOF spectrometer at CERN", Supervisor: Lídia Ferreira, PhD Thesis 2016
João Braz, "Electronic Properties of Single‐layered Transition Metal Dichalcogenides", Supervisor: Eduardo castro,
Master Thesis 2015
Helena Marques, "Influence of SPECT reconstruction algorithms in the improvement of SNR in cardiac imaging"
Supervisors: Guilhermina Cantino/ Lídia Ferreira, Master Thesis, 2015
— Paramasivan Arumugam (Indian Institute of Technology – Roorkee)
— David V. Bugg (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory and Queen Mary University of London)
— David Cullen (University of Manchester)
— Paul Horley (CIMAV, Monterrey)
— Frieder Kleefeld (Helene-Lange-Gymnasium Fürth)
— Guanghan Li (Hubei University)
— Enrico Maglione (Università di Padova and INFN)
— Alexey Nefediev (Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics)
— Nikola Paunkovic (Instituto Superior Técnico)
— Peter Ring (Technische Universität München)
— Michael D. Scadron (University of Arizona)
— Antonio Vairo (Università di Milano and INFN)
— David Joss (University of Liverpool)
External collaborations
— Prof. Marc Wagner, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany
— Prof. Marina Marinkovic, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
— Eduardo Castro, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto.
— Pooja Siwach (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA)
— Robert Page (University of Liverpool, UK)
— Kalle Auranen (University of Juvaskyla, Finland)
P. Bicudo, Tetraquarks and pentaquarks in lattice QCD with light and heavy quarks [arXiv:2212.07793 [hep-lat]], 2023. Review on the lattice QCD studies of exotic hadrons (tetraquarks, pentaquarks hybrids) , to be published in Physics Reports, and to be updated annually.
Gonçalves, M., Ribeiro, Pedro, Castro, Eduardo V., Araújo, Miguel A. N., Disorder-driven multifractality transition in Weyl nodal loops, Physical Review Letters 124, 136405 (2020)
K. Auranen, A. D. Briscoe, L. S. Ferreira, et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 128,(2022) 112501. Este artigo teve um Research Highlight na Nature a 30/03/2022 ‘Squashed’ atomic nucleus sets speed record A form of the element lutetium exists for only a few hundred nanoseconds before decaying. Nature 604, 10 (2022)
Temperature-driven gapless topological insulator
M. Gonçalves, P. Ribeiro, R. Mondaini, E. V. Castro.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 126601 (2019)
Integrable quantum dynamics of open collective spin models
P. Ribeiro, T. Prosen.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 010401 (2019)
Edge and bulk localization of Floquet topological superconductors
Tilen Cadez, Rubem Mondaini and Pedro D. Sacramento
Physical Review B 99, 014301 (2019)
Symmetry Breaking and Lattice Kirigami
E. V. Castro, A. Flachi, P. Ribeiro, V. Vitagliano
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 221601(2018)
Pseudoparticle approach to 1D integrable quantum models
J.M.P. Carmelo and P. D. Sacramento
Physics Reports 749, 1 (2018)
Impact of Atomic-Scale Contact Geometry on Andreev Reflection
J. Brand, P. Ribeiro, N. Néel, S. Kirchner, and J. Kröger.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 107001 (2017)
Uhlmann Connection in Fermionic Systems Undergoing Phase Transitions
Bruno Mera, Chrysoula Vlachou, Nikola Paunković, and Vítor R. Vieira
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 015702 (2017)
A semi-classical analogue of the relation between the chiral
and the gluon QCD condensates
J.E.F.T. Ribeiro and D. Antonov
Physics Letters B 740, 141 (2015)
Discovery of Rb72: A Nuclear Sandbank Beyond the Proton Drip Line
H. Suzuki, L. Sinclair, P.-A. Söderström, G. Lorusso, P. Davies, L. S. Ferreira, E. Maglione, R. Wadsworth, J. Wu, Z. Y. Xu, S. Nishimura, P. Doornenbal, D. S. Ahn, F. Browne, N. Fukuda, N. Inabe, T. Kubo, D. Lubos, Z. Patel, S. Rice, Y. Shimizu, H. Takeda, H. Baba, A. Estrade, Y. Fang, J. Henderson, T. Isobe, D. Jenkins, S. Kubono, Z. Li, I. Nishizuka, H. Sakurai, P. Schury, T. Sumikama, H. Watanabe, and V. Werner,
Physical Review Letters, 119, 192503 (2017).
From Feynman rules to conserved quantum numbers, III
P. Nogueira
Comput. Phys. Commun. 260 (2021) 107740
Evidence for the existence of udb¯b¯ and the non-existence of ssb¯b¯ and ccb¯b¯ tetraquarks from lattice QCD
Pedro Bicudo, Krzysztof Cichy, Antje Peters, Björn Wagenbach, Marc Wagner
Published in Phys.Rev. D92 (2015) no.1, 014507
Lattice gluon propagator in renormalizable ξ gauges
Pedro Bicudo, Daniele Binosi, Nuno Cardoso, Orlando Oliveira, Paulo J. Silva
Published in Phys.Rev. D92 (2015) no.11, 114514