CFNMRS — Complex Fluid, NMR and Surfaces Group
The core of the CFNMRS group is composed by researchers of the Condensed Matter and Nanotechnology Scientific Area of the IST and Physics Department, dedicated to the investigation of physical properties of soft matter complex systems and self-organized materials, and to the structural and morphological characterization of thin films, surfaces and materials for optical and electronic applications.
The objectives of the CFNMRS group are focused on the investigation of physical properties of soft matter with particular emphasis on complex systems and self-organized materials at the nano-scale, on the application of a variety of thin film preparation techniques, and on the structural and morphological characterization of surfaces and materials, by microscopy and solid-state spectroscopy, for optical and electronic applications.
The research efforts of the group include a wide range of subjects both in the field of fundamental physics (structure-properties relations of phases, low dimensional nano-structured systems) and with expectable technological impact namely: liquid crystals (LC), ionic liquids, advanced composite systems for biomedical and energy storage applications, and thin films for electronic devices.
The main facilities of the group include the Soft Matter Laboratory, the Thin Films Deposition and Characterization Laboratory and the AFM Laboratories.
Besides the fundamental and applied research topics on soft matter, thin films and low-dimensional quantum structures, the group activity has an important component of development of Fast Field Cycling NMR Technology with considerable international impact.
Main Research Topics:
- Liquid crystals
- Ionic liquids
- Advanced composite systems for biomedical and energy storage applications
- Thin films for electronic devices
- Low dimensional quantum structures
- AFM and NMR characterization of membranes for biomedical applications
E.C – M-ERA-NET2/0006/2019 (2017-2020) CELLCOLOR – Fabricating cellulose nanocomposites for structural coloration
Principal Investigator: Carlos Cruz. Members of the group in research team: Carlos Cruz; António Ferraz; João L. Figueirinhas; Pedro J. Sebastião; Anant Kumar.
E.C – COST CA15029 (2016-2020) EUROLAX – European Network on NMR Relaxometry
Principal Investigator: Pedro J. Sebastião. Members of the group in research team: Pedro J. Sebastião; Carlos Cruz; António Ferraz; João L. Figueirinhas.
FCT- PTNMR (2017-2020), Portuguese Uclear Magnetic Resonance Network
Principal Investigator: Pedro Sebastião. Members of the group in research team: António Ferraz; Carlos Cruz; João Figueirinhas; Pedro Sebastião; Maria Beira.
FCT- PTDC/CTM-BIO/6178/2014 (2016-2018), Membranas hemocompatíveis nanoestruturadas para orgãos articifiais
Principal Investigator: Maria Norberta Pinho. Members of the group in research team: Maria Norberta Pinho Pedro J. Sebastião; Pedro Brogueira; Vítor Geraldes.
FP7-PEOPLE-2007-1-1-ITN – 215884 (2008-2012) Dendreamers – Functional liquid crystalline dendrimers: Synthesis of New Materials, resource for New Applications
“Marie Curie” project Funded by European Commission. National team leader (IST): Carlos Cruz. Members of the group in the research team: João L. Figueirinhas, Pedro J. Sebastião, Fábian Vaca Chávez.
FCT – PTDC/FIS/65037/2006 (2007-2010), From molecular order and dynamics to biaxial nematic phases
Principal Investigator: Carlos Cruz. Members of the group in research team: António C. Ribeiro; Pedro J. Sebastião; João L. Figueirinhas.
FCT – PTDC/CTM/103664/2008 2008-2012, Development of Novel Organic Energetic Materials based on Ionic Liquids
Principal Investigator: Luís Branco (FCT-UNL). Members of the group in the research team: Carlos Cruz, Fabian Vaca Chávez.
FCT – PTDC/CTM/099595/2008 2008-2012, Stimuli-Responsive Cellulose Membranes built from Micro and Nano Helicoidal Fibers for Blood and Tissue Oxigenation
Principal Investigator: Maria Helena Godinho (FCT-UNL). Members of the group in the research team: João L. Figueirinhas.
FCT – PTDC/EEA-ELC/74334/2006 (2007-2011), Thin films for transparent CMOS
Principal Investigator: Ana Amaral. Members of the group in the research team: C. Nunes de Carvalho.
FCT – PTDC/EEA-ELC/108882/2008 (2010-2013), Low cost silicon junctions (LoCoSil)
Principal Investigator: Ana Amaral. Members of the group in the research team: C. Nunes de Carvalho.
FCT – PTDC/FIS/110132/2009 (2011-2014), New functional materials obtained from cellulosic micro and nano fibers (NoMaCel)
Principal Investigator: Pedro Almeida (ISEL /IPL). Members of the group in the research team: Ana Amaral, João L. Figueirinhas and C. Nunes de Carvalho.
ESA Project, ESA:223981/09/NL/PA, “Integrated radiation environment, effects and component degradation simulation tool: CODES pIII”
FCT Project, PTDC/SAU-BEB/104948/2008, Detecção de Micro-estados Cerebrais na Fibromialgia. Detection of Brain Microstates in Fibromyalgia
FCT Project, PTDC/CTM/099595/2008, Membranas Celulósicas Sensíveis a Estímulos Externos Formadas por Micro e Nanofibras Helicoidais para a Oxigenação do Sangue e de Tecidos

Graduate Students
— Marco Leal
— Maria Beira
Books and Book Chapters
"NMR Relaxometry in Liquid Crystals: Molecular Organization and Molecular Dynamics Interrelation" P.J. Sebastião, Field-cycling NMR Relaxometry: Instrumentation, Model Theories and Applications , pp. 255, Ed. Rainer Kimmich, The Royal Society of Chemistry, ISBN 978-1-78801-154-9, (copyright year 2019), 2018
Carlos R. Cruz, João L. Figueirinhas, Pedro J. Sebastião, NMR of Liquid Crystal Dendrimers , pp. 01, Pan Stanford Publishing Pte. Ltd., Singapore, ISBN 9789814745727, 2017
"All-Cellulosic Based Composites" J. P. Borges, M. H. Godinho, J. L. Figueirinhas, M. N. de Pinho, M.N. Belgacem, Cellulose Fibers: Bio- and Nano-Polymer Composites Green Chemistry and Technology, pp. 1, Susheel Kalia, B. S. Kaith and Inderjeet Kaur Springer Heidelberg Dordrecht London New York 2011, ISBN 978-3-642-17369-1, 2011
M.S. Rogalski, A. Ferraz , Física para Engenheiros, pp. 1, Escolar Editora, ISBN 978-972-592-314-6, 2011, "Advances in Proton NMR Relaxometry in Thermotropic Liquid Crystals" P.J. Sebastião, C. Cruz, A.C. Ribeiro, NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE SPECTROSCOPY OF LIQUID CRYSTALS, pp. 129, Ed. R. Dong, World Scientific Co., ISBN: 978-981-4273-66-4, 2009
"Spontaneous Polarization in Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals: Role of the Molecular Architecture and Optical Purity" D. Guillon, M. Z. Cherkaoui, P. Sebastião , S. Mery, J.F. Nicoud, Y. Galerne, Anisotropic Organic Materials - Approaches to Polar Order, pp. 214, American Chemical Society, Oxford University Press, eds. Rainer Glaser, Piotr Kaszynski, ISBN:0841236895, 2002
Journal Papers
Rafaela R da Rosa, Pedro ES Silva, Diogo V Saraiva, Anant Kumar, António P Mendes de Sousa, Pedro Sebastião, Susete N Fernandes, Maria Helena Godinho, "Cellulose Nanocrystal Aqueous Colloidal Suspensions: Evidence of Density Inversion at the Isotropic-liquid Crystal Phase Transition", Adv. Mater (DOI:10.1002/adma.202108227), (2022)
J. Sebastião, M. J. Beira, R. Cordeiro, A. Kumar, J. F. Fernandes, A. Ferraz, L.N. Gonçalves, "The art of fitting ordinary differential equations models to experimental results", Eur. J. Phys. 43, 035807 (2022)
Miguel P. da Silva; Maria J. Beira; Isabel D. Nogueira; Pedro J. Sebastião; João L. Figueirinhas; Maria Norberta de Pinho, "Tailoring the Selective Permeation Properties of Asymmetric Cellulose Acetate/Silica Hybrid Membranes and Characterisation of Water Dynamics in Hydrated Membranes by Deuterium Nuclear Magnetic Resonance", Membranes 12, 559 (2022)
João Cunha, Miguel P. da Silva, Maria J. Beira, Marta C. Corvo, Pedro L. Almeida, Pedro J. Sebastião, João L. Figueirinhas, Maria Norberta de Pinho, "Water Molecular Dynamics in the Porous Structures of Ultrafiltration/Nanofiltration Asymmetric Cellulose Acetate–Silica Membranes", Membranes 12, 1122 (2022)
Anton Gradišek; Tomaž Apih; Maria J. Beira; Carlos Cruz; Susete N. Fernandes; Helena M. Godinho; Pedro J. Sebastião, "Observing short-range orientational order in small-molecule liquids", Sci. Reports 12, 22500 (2022)
M.Isabel Cabaço, Marcel Besnard, Carlos Cruz, Pedro Morgado, Gonçalo M.C.Silva, Eduardo J.M.Filipe, João A.P.Coutinho, Yann Danten, "The structure of liquid perfluoro Tert-Butanol using Infrared, Raman and X-Ray scattering analyzed by quantum DFT calculations and molecular Dynamics", Chem. Phys. Lett. 779, 138844 (2021)
Cordeiro, R.; Beira, M.J.; Cruz, C.; Figueirinhas, J.L.; Corvo, M.C.; Almeida, P.L.; Rosatella, A.A.; Afonso, C.A.M.; Daniel, C.I.; Sebastião, P.J., "Tuning the 1H NMR Paramagnetic Relaxation Enhancement and Local Order of [Aliquat]+-Based Systems Mixed with DMSO", Int. J. Mol. Sci. 22, 706 (2021)
Elif Gokcen Ates, Maria J. Beira, Mecit H. Oztop, Pedro J. Sebastião, "Characterization of Pectin-Based Gels: A 1H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Relaxometry Study", J. Agric. Food Chem. 69, 12102 (2021)
Anant Kumar, Carlos Cruz, João L. Figueirinhas, Pedro J. Sebastião, Ana C. Trindade, Susete N. Fernandes, Maria H. Godinho, Jon Otto Fossum, "Water Dynamics in Composite Aqueous Suspensions of Cellulose Nanocrystals and a Clay Mineral Studied through Magnetic Resonance Relaxometry", J. Phys. Chem. B 125, 12787 (2021)
Maria J. Beira, Pedro J. Sebastião, "A differential equations model-fitting analysis of COVID-19 epidemiological data to explain multi-wave dynamics", Sci. Reports 11, 16312 (2021)
N. Gonçalves, J. Fernandes, A. Ferraz A. G. Silva, P. J. Sebastião, "Physical pendulum model: Fractional differential equation and memory effects", Am. J. Phys. 88, 962 (2020)
Andrea Zava, Pedro J. Sebastião, Sofia Catarino, "Wine traceability and authenticity: approaches for geographical origin, variety and vintage assessment", Ciência e Técnica Vitivinícola 35, 133 (2020)
Danuta Kruk, Pawel Rochowski, Malgorzata Florek – Wojciechowska, Pedro José Sebastião, David J. Lurie, Lionel M. Broche, "1H spin-lattice NMR relaxation in the presence of residual dipolar interactions – Dipolar relaxation enhancement", J. Magn. Reson. 318, 106783 (2020)
Magdalena Knapkiewicz, Adam Rachocki, Michal Bielejewski, Pedro J. Sebastião, "NMR studies of molecular ordering and molecular dynamics in a chiral liquid crystal with the SmCα* phase" Phys. Rev. E 101, 052708 (2020)
António Roque, Duarte M. Sousa, Pedro Sebastião, Elmano Margato, Gil Marques, "FFC NMR Relaxometer with Magnetic Flux Density Control", J. Low Power Electronics 9, 22 (2019)
Carvalho, C. Cruz, J. L. Figueirinhas, M. G. Tamba, A. Kohlmeier, G. H. Mehl, "Proton and Deuterium NMR Study of the CBC9CB Dimer System", J. Phys. Chem. B 123, 1442 (2019)
Jardim Beira, M. P. Silva, M. Condesso, P. Cosme, P. L. Almeida, M. C. Corvo, P. J. Sebastião, J. L. Figueirinhas , M. N. de Pinho, "Molecular Order and Dynamics of Water in Hybrid Cellulose Acetate-Silica Asymmetric Membranes", Mol. Phys. 117, 975 (2019)
Sirvan Sultan Uguz, E. Burcin Ozvural, Maria Jardim Beira, Mecit Halil Oztop, Pedro José Sebastião, "Use of NMR Relaxometry to identify frankfurters of different meat sources", Mol. Phys. 117, 1015 (2019)
I. B. Tavares, E. Oliveira da Silva, P.S.R.C. Silva, 1 , P. J. Sebastião, "The use of Fast Field Cycling to evaluate the Time Domain relaxation of starches from tropical fruit seeds", Mol. Phys. 117, 1028 (2019)
Alina Aluculesei, Hugo Cachitas, José Carvalho, Fabian Vaca Chavez, João L Figueirinhas, Pedro José Sebastião, Carlos Cruz, Maria Gabriela Tamba, Alexandra Kohlemeir and Georg H Mehl , "1H NMR study of molecular order and dynamics in CBC9CB Liquid Crystal", Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 21, 4523 (2019)
Lehmann, S. Maisch, N. Scheuring, J. Carvalho, C. Cruz, P. J. Sebastião, R. Y. Dong, "From molecular biaxiality of real board-shaped mesogens to phase biaxiality? On the hunt for the holy grail of liquid crystal science", Soft Matter 14, 84896 (2019)
Y.Vygranenko, M. Vieira, G. Lavareda, C. Nunes de Carvalho, P.Brogueira, A. Amaral, N. P. Barradas, E. Alves., "Optical and Photoconductive Properties of Indium Sulfide Fluoride Thin Films", Thin Solid Films 671, 49 (2019)
Mónica Faria; Cíntia Moreira; Tiago Mendonça Eusébio; Maria Norberta de Pinho; Pedro Brogueira; Viriato Semião, "Oxygen mass transfer in a gas/membrane/liquid system surrogate of membrane blood oxygenators", AIChE Journal 64, 3756 (2018)
Ana Amaral, G. Lavareda, C. Nunes de Carvalho, V. André, Yuri Vygranenko, M. Fernandes , Pedro Brogueira,
"Etchability Dependence of InO x and ITO Thin Films by Plasma Enhanced Reactive Thermal Evaporation on Structural Properties and Deposition Conditions ", MRS Advances 3, 207 (2018)
Gisele C.Valle Iulianelli, Gabriela dos S. David, Taís N. dos Santos, Pedro José O. Sebastião, Maria Inês B. Tavares, "Influence of TiO2 nanoparticle on the thermal, morphological and molecular characteristics of PHB matrix", Polym. Test. 65, 156 (2018)
João C Fernandes, Pedro J Sebastião, Luís N. Gonçalves, António Ferraz, "Study of large-angle anharmonic oscillations of a physical pendulum using an acceleration sensor", Eur. J. Phys. 38, 045004 (2017)
Maria Beira, Carla I. Daniel, Pedro L. Almeida, Marta C. Corvo, Andreia A. Rosatella, Carlos A. M. Afonso , Pedro J. Sebastião, "1H NMR Relaxometry and Diffusometry Study of Magnetic and Nonmagnetic Ionic Liquid-Based Solutions: Cosolvent and Temperature Effects", J. Phys. Chem. B 121, 11472 (2017)
Amin Ordikhani Seyedlar, João Pedro de Almeida Martins, Pedro J. Sebastião, Maria José Jardim Beira, Siegfried Stapf, Fabián Vaca Chávez, Carlos Mattea, "Dynamics of binary mixtures of an ionic liquid and ethanol by NMR", Magn. Reson. Chem. 56, 108 (2017)
Kiki Kurnia, Tânia Sintra, Yann Danten, Maria Isabel Cabaço, Marcel Besnard, Joao A. P. Coutinho , "Simple method of preparation of novel hydrophobic ionic liquid with a per-fluoro-tert-butoxide anion", New J. Chem. 44, 47 (2017)
Brinkkotter M. Gouverneur, P. J. Sebastião, F. Vaca Chávez, M. Schonhoff, "Spin relaxation studies of Li+ ion dynamics in polymer gel electrolytes", Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 19, 7390 (2017)
Elton J.R. Rodrigues, Pedro J.O. Sebastião, Maria I.B. Tavares, "1H time domain NMR real time monitoring of polyacrylamide hydrogels synthesis", Polym. Test. 60, 396 (2017)
Manso, S. Pessanha, M. Guerra, J. L. Figueirinhas, J. P. Santos, M. L. Carvalho, "Unveiling the Third Secret of Fatima: mu-XRF quantitative characterization and 2D elemental mapping", Spectrochimica Acta Part B 130, 35 (2017)
N. Fernandes, L. E. Aguirre, R. V. Pontes, J. P. Canejo, P. Brogueira, E. M. Terentjev, M. H. Godinho, "Cellulose-based nanostructures for photoresponsive surfaces", Cellulose 23, 465 (2016)
Fernandes, Y. Vygranenko, M. Vieira, G. Lavareda, C. Nunes de Carvalho, A. Amaral, "Automated rf-PERTE system for room temperature deposition of TCO coatings", Energy Procedia 102, 96 (2016)
Valentina Domenici, Anton Gradišek, Tomaž Apih, Vera Hamplová, Vladimíra Novotná, Pedro J. Sebastião, "1H NMR relaxometry in the TGBA* and TGBC* phases", Ferroelectrics 495, 17 (2016)
Brogueira, in Pierre Auger Collaboration, "Nanosecond-level time synchronization of autonomous radio detector stations for extensive air showers", J. Instrum. 11, P01018 (2016)
Brogueira, in Pierre Auger Collaboration, "Prototype muon detectors for the AMIGA component of the Pierre Auger Observatory", J. Instrum. 11, P02012 (2016)
P Assis, P Brogueira, M Ferreira, R Luz e L Mendes, "Design and characterization of the PREC (Prototype Readout Electronics for Counting particles)", J. Instrum. 11, T08004 (2016)
Carla L Daniel, Aurora M Rubio, PJ Sebastião, Carlos AM Afonso, Jan Storch, Pavel Izák, Carla AM Portugal, João G Crespo, "Magnetic modulation of the transport of organophilic solutes through Supported Magnetic Ionic Liquid Membranes", J. Membr. Sci. 505, 36 (2016)
Pedro. J. Sebastião, Mariana S. S. B. Monteiro, Luciana M. Brito, Elton Rodrigues, Fabián Vaca Chávez, Maria Inês Bruno Tavares, "Conventional and Fast Field Cycling Relaxometry Study of the Molecular Dynamics in Polymer Nanocomposites for Use as Drug Delivery Systems ", J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 16, 7539 (2016)
Anton Gradisěk, Valentina Domenici, Tomaž Apih, Vladimíra Novotna, Pedro J. Sebastião, "1H NMR Relaxometric Study of Molecular Dynamics in a ''de Vries'' Liquid Crystal", J. Phys. Chem. B 120, 4706 (2016)
Danten, M. I. Cabaço, J. A. P. Coutinho, Noel Pinaud,, M. Besnard, "DFT Study of the Reaction Mechanisms of Carbon Dioxide and its Isoelectronic Molecules CS2 and OCS Dissolved in Pyrrolidinium and Imidazolium Acetate Ionic Liquids", J. Phys. Chem. B 120, 5243 (2016)
Maria Catarina Coutinho Varela da Silva , João Luís Maia Figueirinhas , João Carlos da Silva Barbosa Sotomayor , "Improvement of permanent memory effect in PDLC films using TX-100 as an additive ", Liq. Cryst. 43, 124 (2016)
Mariana S. S. B. Monteiro, Jackeline Lunz, Pedro J. Sebastião, Maria Inês Bruno Tavares, "Evaluation of Nevirapine Release Kinetics from Polycaprolactone Hybrids", Mater. Sci. Appl. 7, 680 (2016)
Ricardo, A. Amaral, C. Nunes de Carvalho, G. Lavareda, "Dopant transfer from poly-Si thin films to c-Si: an alternative technique for device processing", Mater. Sci. Semicond. Process. 42, 210 (2016)
Hajji, A. Boukir, J. Assouik, S. Pessanha, J. L. Figueirinhas, M. L. Carvalho, "Artificial aging paper to assess long-term effects of conservative treatment. Monitoring by infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF)", Microchem. J. 124, 646 (2016)
D. Miranda, F. Vaca Chávez, T.M.R. Maria, M. E. S. Eusébio, P.J. Sebastião, P. Martín-Ramos, J. L. Figueirinhas, M. Ramos Silva, "Synthesis of liquid crystals based on hydrogen-bonding of 4-(Octyloxy)benzoic acid with 4-alkylbenzoic acids", Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 630, 87 (2016)
Kiki Kurnia, Tânia Sintra, Yann Danten, Maria Isabel Cabaço, Marcel Besnard, and Joao A. P. Coutinho, "Simple method of preparation of novel hydrophobic ionic liquid with a per-fluoro-tert-butoxide anion", New J. Chem. 41, 2016 (2016)
P Brogueira, in Pierre Auger Collaboration, "Energy estimation of cosmic rays with the Engineering Radio Array of the Pierre Auger Observatory", Phys. Rev. D 93, 122005 (2016)
P Brogueira, in Pierre Auger Collaboration, "Measurement of the Radiation Energy in the Radio Signal of Extensive Air Showers as a Universal Estimator of Cosmic-Ray Energy", Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 241101 (2016)
Tolstogouzov, H. Águas, R. Ayouchi, S.F. Belykh, F. Fernandes G.P. Gololobov, A.M.C. Moutinho, R. Schwarz, D.V. Suvorov, O.M.N.D. Teodoro, "Vacuum solid-state ion-conducting silver source for application in field emission electric propulsion systems", Vacuum 131, 252 (2016)
Vygranenko, M. Fernandes, M. Vieira, G. Lavareda, C. Nunes de Carvalho, P. Brogueira, A. Amaral, Low Temperature Deposition of Conducting Indium Oxide Films For Solar Cell Applications, pp. 164, Proceedings of the 33rd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (EUPVSEC 2017), 2017
"Reducing the size of Fast Field Cycling NMR spectrometers based on the use of IGBTs" D. Sousa, G. Marques, P.J. Sebastião, Industrial Technology, 2009. ICIT 2009. IEEE International Conference on, pp. 742, IEEE, ISBN: 978-1-4244-3506-7, 2009
"Design of a Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Fast Field Cycling Air Cored Magnet" D. M. Sousa, G. D. Marques, P. J. Sebastião, A. C: Ribeiro, PEDS 2007 - The 7th International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems, pp. 427, IEEE Xplore Digital Library, 2007
"Power Supply with Potential Use in Magnetic Stimulation" D. M. Sousa, A. Ferraz, PEDS 2007 - The 7th International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems, pp. 612, IEEE Xplore Digital Library, 2007
"Field Cycling Circuit for a Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer" Sousa D.M., Verdelho P., Marques G.D., Ribeiro A.C., Sebastião P.J., Symposium Symposium on Field-Cycling NMR Relaxometry, July 1998, Berlin (Germany), pp. 84, 1998
Godinho M.H., Figueirinhas J.L., Almeida A., Martins A.F., Novel Composite Material Structures for Large Panel Displays and Controlled Transparency Windows, pp. 11, Proceedings of EUROMAT-97,Maastricht-NL April, 21-23, 1997
"Power Supply for a Fast Field Cycling NMR Spectrometer Using IGBTs Operating in the active Zone" D. M. Sousa, E. Rommel, E. Santana, J. Silva, J. Fernando, P. J. Sebastião, A. C. Ribeiro, Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, pp. 2285, 1997
"Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation Study of the Mixture of two Liquid Crystals with Polar Terminal Groups" A.C. Ribeiro, M.H. Godinho, P.J. Sebastião, D. Guillon, M. Vilfan, 10th Ampere Summer School and Symposium, Magnetic Resonance and Relaxation, pp. 226, R. Blinc, M. Vilfan, J. Salak, J. Stefan Institute, Ljubjana, Slovenia, 1988
Pedro Videira, Magneto para espectrómetro de RMN de Campo Cíclico Rápido com volume reduzido e perfil polar optimizado, pp. 1, Master Thesis, IST, ULisboa. Supervisors: Pedro J. Sebastião/ Duarte Sousa/ António Roque, 2017
José Pedro Carvalho, NMR study of the twist-bend nematic phase, pp. 1, Master Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa. Supervisors: J.L. Figueirinhas/ C. Cruz, 2017
João Godinho, Carrier transport and energy harvesting in ZnO nanowires, pp. 1, Master Thesis in Physical Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa. Supervisor: R. Schwarz, 2016
Maria Jardim Beira, NMR study of the molecular dynamics in magnetic and non-magnetic ionic liquids, pp. 1, Master Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa. Supervisor: Pedro J. Sebastião, 2016
João Pedro Martins, Molecular dynamics study of chromonics doped with salts, pp. 1, Master Thesis, IST, ULisboa. Supervisor: Pedro J. Sebastião, 2014
João Pedro Godinho, Carrier Transport, Photoluminescence and Energy Harvesting in ZnO Nanowires, pp. 1, Master Thesis, IST, ULisboa. Supervisors: Reinhard Schwarz/ Rachid Ayouchi, 2014
Ricardo Jorge Barreira Luz, Desenvolvimento de um sistema de aquisição de dados baseado na família de ASICs ROC, pp. 1, Master Thesis, IST, ULisboa. Supervisors: Pedro Assis/ Pedro Brogueira, 2014
Rúben João Alves Lopes, Digital control of a fast field cycling nuclear magnetic resonance relaxometer power supply, pp. 1, Master Thesis, IST, ULisboa. Supervisors: Pedro J. Sebastião/ Duarte Sousa, 2014
Miguel Tavares Aleluia, Dynamic Behaviour of Complex Socio-Technical Systems, pp. 1, Master Thesis, IST, ULisboa. Supervisors:João Pedro Mendes/ Pedro Brogueira, 2014
Alberto Eduardo Ferreira, Real time audio system for SNR improvement with applications to distant speech recognition, pp. 1, Master Thesis, IST, ULisboa. Supervisors: Diogo Alarcão/ Pedro Brogueira, 2014
Filipe Fernandes Thomaz, SPINIT Clinical Chemistry Assays, pp. 1, Master Thesis, IST, ULisboa. Supervisors: Pedro Brogueira/ João Fonseca, 2014
Bavieche Jamnadas Samgi, Spinit – Magnetic Nanoparticles Assays, pp. 1, Master Thesis, IST, ULisboa. Supervisors: Pedro Brogueira/ João Fonseca, 2014
João Pedro Marques, Aditivação de combustíveis – projecto de instalação de uma unidade de produção de anidrido maleico, pp. 1, Master Thesis, IST, ULisbo, Supervisors: Ana Maria Alves/ Ana C. Campos, 2013
Maria Luísa Lobo Melo, Deposition of ZnN thin films and application in TFT structures, pp. 1, Master Thesis, IST, ULisboa, Supervisor: Reinhard Schwarz, 2013
Mariana Sato Monteiro, Desenvolvimento de nanocompósitos de Policaprolactona empregando diferentes nanocargas e sua aplicação farmacêutica, pp. 1, PhD Thesis, UFRJ (BR), Supervisors: Maria Inês Tavares/ Pedro J. Sebastião, 2013
Rodrigo Manuel Dias, Development and characterization of a laser-scanning photo-stimulation setup for the optogenetic manipulation of behavior in mice, pp. 1, Master Thesis, IST, ULisboa, Supervisors: Pedro J. Sebastião/ Leopoldo Petreanu, 2013
Ângelo Miguel Castelinho, Heterojunction diodes including ZnO thin films, pp. 1, Master Thesis, IST, ULisboa, Supervisor: Reinhard Schwarz, 2013
Nuno Manuel Dias, Nuclear Magnetic Ressonance study of molecular interaction of ionic liquids with aromatic compounds, pp. 1, Master Thesis, IST, ULisboa, Supervisors:Fabián Vaca Chávez/ Pedro J. Sebastião, 2013
Luciana Macedo de Brito, Preparação de materiais híbridos nanoestruturados para liberação controlada de fármacos, pp. 1, PhD Thesis, UFRJ(BR), Supervisors:Maria Inês Tavares/ Pedro J. Sebastião, 2013
Alina Aluculesei, Proton NMR Studies on the Influence of Molecular Structure and Flexibility on the Molecular Dynamics of Nonconventional Nematic Liquid Crystals, pp. 1, PhD Thesis, IST, ULisboa, Supervisor: Carlos Cruz, 2013
Hugo Miguel Cachitas, Visco-elastic parameters of a liquid crystal with a nematic-nematic transition, pp. 1, Master Thesis, IST ULisboa, Supervisor: João Figueirinhas, 2013
Besides the collaboration with colleagues from other universities in Portugal, the CFNMRS group collaborates with several institutions at international level both through bi-lateral research projects and networks, including:
— Josef Stefan Institute (Slovenia)
— Univ. Pisa (Italy)
— Univ. Federal Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
— Univ. S. Paulo (Brazil)
— Univ. Hull (UK)
— Univ. British Columbia (Canada)
— Centre for Soft Matter Res. (India)
— National Inst. Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (Japan)
— Univ. Halle and Univ. Wurzburg (Germany)
— Univ. Zaragoza (Spain)
Advances in NMR spectroscopy and relaxometry of liquid crystal dendrimers
The characterization of of soft matter systems by NMR spectroscopy and conventional and fast field cycling NMR relaxometry, combined with x-ray diffraction and polarising optical microscopy, contributes to the understanding of the relation between the systems microscopic properties (including molecular structure, molecular organization and interaction with confining matrices) and their macroscopic physical behavior. Specific properties, relevant for applications, like diffusion constants and visco-elastic parameters are especially taken into account. The application of these NMR techniques to the field of Liquid Crystal Dendrimers has been one of the major achievments of the group leading to the publication of the book: NMR of Liquid Crystal Dendrimers, Pan Stanford Publishing Pte. Ltd., Singapore, ISBN 9789814745727, 2017 (Review)
NMR spectroscopy and relaxometry of ionic liquids
In recent years, ionic liquids (ILs) arose as potential compounds to be used in the development, design and the use of clean technology and materials to reduce or to eliminate the generation and the employ of dangerous substances. The expected main scientific outcomes from the research activities on this topic encompass the description of molecular dynamics, structure and molecular interactions and their influence on macroscopic properties of ionic liquids based systems. The characterization of this type of systems by means NMR spectroscopy and Relaxometry is one the highlights of the group research work. [J. Phys. Chem. B 121, 11472-11484 (2017), Magn. Reson. Chem. 56, 108-112 (2017), New J. Chem. 44, 47 (2017), Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 19, 7390 (2017), J. Membr. Sci. 505, 36-43 (2016), J. Phys. Chem. B 120, 5243 (2016), Inor. Chim. Acta 432, 258-266 (2015), J. Phys. Chem. B 119, 11740-11747 (2015)]
Liquid crytals exhibiting non conventional nematic phases
The study of the recently discovered nematic twist-bend phase od Liquid Crystals is a topical subject due to the expected technological impact in display technology and the fundamental problems related to their chiral phase structure. NMR studies of molecular order and dynamics, combined with electro-optical and magneto-optical techniques, have been applied leading to original results essential to the understanding of the Ntb phase structure. [J. Phys. Chem. B 123, 1442 (2019); Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 21, 4523 (2019)].
Development of Novel Fast Field Cycling NMR Technology
The development of new Fast Field Cycling NMR technology, leading to the construction of a 3rd generation of low power desktop equipments, made possible to diversify and generalize the use of NMR relaxometry to a wide range of materials with both fundamental and technological interest [IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 25, 4301609 (2015); Field-cycling NMR Relaxometry: Instrumentation, Model Theories and Applications , pp. 255, Ed. Rainer Kimmich, The Royal Society of Chemistry, ISBN 978-1-78801-154-9, (copyright year 2019), 2018; Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 21, 4523 (2019); Mol. Phys. 117, 975-982 (2019); J. Phys. Chem. B 121, 11472-11484 (2017)].
This equipment, together with the variable field and superconducting magnet NMR spectrometers form an NMR infrastructure unique in Portugal and worldwide competitive in terms of solid state NMR.
New web based user friendly data treatment and analysis software with specific NMR libraries has been devoloped for support and complement of this new technology. Institutional contacts with industrial partners in the field have been established for technology transfer.
Thin Films and Low Dimensional Quantum Structures
Objectives related to thin films and low dimensional quantum structures include: the application of new dopant predeposition methods at low temperature for the production of CMOS integrated circuits and for a-Si/c-Si heterojunctions of HIT type; the study and application of transparent conductive oxide (TCOs) thin films in sensors, in particular in photodetectors; the deposition of: (0-D) nanospheres of tungsten and molybdenum oxide, (1-D) nanorods of ZnO and ferroelectric NKN, and (2-D) superlattices of (amorphous) a-Si:H/a-SiC:H and (crystalline) GaN/AlGaN.
Foreseen applications are based on higher sensitivity and increased spatial resolution of low dimensional structures e.g. for medical imaging.
[Mater. Sci. Semicond. Process. 42, 210 (2016), Energy Procedia 102, 96 (2016), Proc. EUPVSEC 2017 164(2017), MRS Advances 3, 207 (2018), Thin Solid Films 671, 49 (2019)]