Physics of Information and Quantum Technologies
Group Leader:
Yasser Omar
CeFEMA is launching new activities in quantum (Q) technologies, both in terms of fundamental research and its potential technological applications, exploiting the synergetic connections between expertise areas of the Centre. In the theoretical front, CeFEMA will investigate novel approaches to quantum simulation (QS), namely the analogue QS of quantum materials and their topological properties, of non-Markovian and off equilibrium processes, as well as of gauge theories and hadronic matter.
The methodologies will be centred in tensor networks approaches, engineered Hamiltonians, Q memristors and their non-linear properties. It will also cover validation, comparison with classical supercomputations using GPUs, and international collaborations in view of experimental implementations. On the experimental front, CeFEMA will set up a Q optics laboratory to develop the implementation of entanglement distribution networks based on defects in diamonds. Entanglement networks form the key structure of a future Q internet, connecting Q computers or Q sensors. CeFEMA will investigate coloured defects and experimental schemes as realistic candidates for nodes in view of the scaling of the network.
Research Areas

Quantum Information, Computation and Simulation

Relativistic Quantum Information

Quantum Thermodynamics and Nanoenergetics

Quantum Effects in Biology and Open Quantum Dynamics