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LASYP — Laser-Assisted Synthesis and Processing Group

The Laser-Assisted Synthesis and Processing Group includes two poles, one at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST-ULisboa) and the second one at Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa (ISEL).

The activity of the group is focused on areas such as:

Laser synthesis and processing of metallic and composite materials

  • Laser-assisted combinatorial design of alloys and metal-matrix composite systems for medical and wear resistance applications
  • Laser deposition of single crystalline high-temperature materials for the aerospace industry
  • Phase transformations and properties of direct laser printed materials


Advanced nanomaterials with enhanced optical and photocatalytic properties


EU projects

PEGASUS – Plasma Enabled and Graphene Allowed Synthesis of Unique Nano Structures, Horizon 2020 FETOPEN-RIA-2017-1, Project 766894, 2017-2021.

IMPALA – Intelligent Manufacture from Powder by Advanced Laser Assimilation, FP7-NMP-2007-SME-1, NMP2-SE-2008-214380.

NANOMICRO – Nano/Micro Integration in Micromanufacturing, FP7-NMP-2008-SME-2, FP7-NMP-2008-3.5-1, Project 228815.

DEOSOM – Detection and Evaluation of Oil Spills by Optical Methods, AMPERA ERA-Net project (Accidental Marine Pollution) ERA-AMPERA/0002/2007.

RAMATI – Rapid manufacturing of titanium implants, FP6 STREP Project NMP2-CT-2003-505954.

ISSEA – Integration of the Security Sub-Modules Elements in the Automotive Industry, Craft project COOP-CT-2002-508097.

IOLISURF – Ionic liquids as a novel electrochemical medium for radically innovative, cost effective, and environmentally friendly surface treatment Technologies, Project STREP NMP-517002.

PLASCO – Remote plasma coating with improved wear and corrosion qualities to replace chromium plating in SMEs. EU program Growth, project G1ST-CT-2001-50137.

IPCIM – Integrated Processing and Control for Improved Large Section and Sheet Metal Steel Welding, EU program Growth, project GRD1-2001-40552.

Hi-Condelec – Design of Highly Conductive Solid Thin Film Electrolyte for Stack Integration within Optical and Energy Storage Application,  STREP project NMP3-CT-2005-516975.

VELI – Virtual European Laser Institute, Program Growth, G7RT-CT-2001-05031.

FENIKS – Ferromagnetic semiconductors and novel magnetic-semiconductor heterostructures for improved Knowledge on spintronics. EU program Growth, project G5RD-CT-2001-00535.

Project STORM- Safeguarding cultural heritage through technical and organisational resources management (EC Programme H2020, Call DRS-11-2015, Ref. 700191, type: RIA, http://www.storm-project.eu)2016-2019.


FCT projects

BenthicLIF – Estuarine phytobenthic communities studied by laser induced fluorescence. FCT project PTDC/MAR/117929/2010, 2012-2015.

SpinText – Engineering spin textures for magnetoelectronics. FCT Project PTDC/FIS/121588/2010, 2012-2015.

SHELL – Novel Composite Functionalized Shell NanoCatalyst for Fuel Cell Applications, FCT Project PTDC/CTM-ENE/1585/2012, 2013-2015.

Titanate nanotubes photosensitization by narrow bandgap semicondutor nanoparticles. FCT Project PTDC/CTM-NAN/113021/2009, 2011-2014.

TITAN – Novel Titanium alloys for biomedical applications, project FCT PTDC/CTM/098115/2008, 2010-2013.

FSENS – Optofluidic sensor based on 3D micro- and nanomachining with femtosecond lasers. FCT project PTDC/FIS/102127/2008, 2010-2013.

SEMISPIN – High Curie temperature dilute magnetic oxide Semiconductors for application in Spintronics. FCT project PTDC/CTM/101033/2008, 2010-2013.

IOLIREV – Innovative, environmentally friendly coating methods based on ionic liquids electrodeposition. FCT project PTDC/CTM/68847/2006, 2007-2010.

MINDFELA – Minimally invasive dental care based on femtosecond laser technology. FCT project PTDC/SAUBEB/67141/2006, 2007-2010.

Synthesis of room temperature diluted magnetic semiconductors by low temperature deposition methods. FCT project PPCDT/CTM/57019/2004, 2007-2008.

Project OPTOX: Desenvolvimento e validação de testes ecotoxicológicos bio-ópticos em organismos marinhos fotossintéticos. [Development and Validation of Bio-Optical Ecotoxicological Tests in Marine Phototrophs] (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal, PTDC/CTA-AMB/30056/2017, http://www.mare-centre.pt/pt/proj/optox) 2018-2021.

Project INTERPHENO: Uma aproximação interdisciplinar à fenotipagem de alto débito em plantas [Fostering high throughput plant phenotyping by an interdisciplinary approach] (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal, PTDC/ASP-PLA/28726/2017, http://www.mare-centre.pt/pt/proj/interpheno) 2018-2021.

Hungarian-Portuguese Bilateral Scientific and Technological Project n. 3883/2017 (Portugal). Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT – Portugal) and Nemzeti Kutatási, Fejlesztési és Innovációs Hivatal (NKFIH – Hungary), 2017-2018.


Industrial projects

LaserRepair – Innovative system for repairing of sanitary glazes by localized application of laser energy
Partners: LaserMaq, Cifial (SI I&DT Projecto em Co-Promoção, Project 33545), 2018-2021

SafeForming – Intelligent defect prevention system for cold stamping components
Partners: Toolpresse, Tecnisata, FCT-UC (SI I&DT Projecto em Co-Promoção, Project 17762), 2017-2019

Diamond and Hard Laser Coatings
Partners: TE&M, Durit, Fabrimar, IPS (SI I&DT, Projecto em Co-Promoção, project 3449), 2016-2018

SDOAM – Sistema de detecção optoelectrónico activo multifuncional [Multi-functional optoelectronic detection system], +Conhecimento – Projectos em Co-promoção, Instituto de Desenvolvimento Empresarial (Madeira), 2012-2013

EXTRUPLAS – Vale de IDT, Program QREN, 2009-2010.

TOOLPRESSE – Vale Inovação, Program QREN, Proj. 30669, 2014.


Bilateral projects

"Surface functionalisation for biomedical and mechanical applications", FCT-CAPES Agreement, project 192/08, with the Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil.

"Bio-inspired multiscale interfaces for dental and skeletal reconstruction biomaterials", Luso-French Integrated Action (PAUILF), TC-07/11 (2011-2014).

"Controle da microestrutura e propriedades na deposição assistida por laser de superligas de níquel monocristalinas", FCT/CAPES Scientific and Technological Cooperation Program, with the Federal University of São Carlos (Brazil), project

"Técnicas Laser no Processamento de Materiais de Ferramentas de Corte", Project for Special Visiting Scientist CNPq n. 405707/2013-4.

"Tratamento superficial a laser de ligas metálicas para aplicações avançadas", FAPESP Project n. 2012/18808-1, with Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil.

"Growth and characterization of ferromagnetic oxide thin films for application in spintronics", CRUP-British Council Integrated Actions B-7/07 and B-50/09, with Imperial College, UK.


National projects

"Development of visible-light active C-dots based nanocomposites materials for the photodegradation of organic pollutants". Instituições participantes: ISEL (PT), FCUL (PT). Financiamento: IPL, IPL/2018/VLA-NANOC/ISEL. Duração: 1 ano (2018-2019).

"Sensitized titanate nanotubes with C-dots for pollutants photodegradation – C-dots/TNT". Instituições participantes: ISEL (PT), FCUL (PT). Financiamento: IPL, IPL/2017/C-dots/TNT/ISEL. Duração: 1 ano (2017-2018).


MSc Students
— Ana Mónica Fidalgo
— Filipe Silvestre
— João Sempiterno
— Jonas Caetano
— Ricardo Martins

Journal Papers Arrow



Miguel, M. Leite, A.M.R. Ribeiro, A.M. Deus, L. Reis, "Failure of polymer coated nylon parts produced by additive manufacturing", Energy Procedia 101, 485 (2019)

Vicente, C.M.S., Fernandes, J., Reis, L., de Deus, A. M., Vaz, M. F., Leite, M., , "Effect of protective coatings on the water absorption and mechanical properties of 3D printed PLA", Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale , 748 (2019)

H Araújo, M Leite, AR Ribeiro, AM Deus, L Reis and M Fátima Vaz,, "The effect of geometry on the flexural properties of cellular core structures", J Materials: Design and Applications 233(3), 338 (2019) http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1464420718805511

Dias, N. Pinhão, R. Faustino, R. Martins, A. S. Ramos, M. T. Vieira, E. Camacho, F. M. Braz Fernandes, B. Nunes, A. Almeida, U. V. Mardolcar, E. Alves, "New WC-Cu composites for the divertor in fusion reactors", J. Nucl. Mater. 521, 31 (2019) http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022311518316507

Barrocas, O.C. Monteiro, Manuel R. Nunes and A.J. Silvestre, "Influence of Re and Ru doping on the structural, optical and photocatalytic properties of nanocrystalline TiO2", Spr. Nat App Sci 1, 556 (2019) http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s42452-019-0567-4

Oliveira, R.D.F. Moreira, M.F.S.F. de Moura, R.Vilar, "Surface texturing of CRFP composites using femtosecond laser interferometry", Appl. Phys. A 124, 231 (2018) http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0143816616304894

Fernandes A., Utkin A., Eiras-Dias J., Silvestre J., Cunha J., Melo-Pinto P, "Assessment of grapevine variety discrimination using stem hyperspectral data and AdaBoost of random weight neural networks.", Applied Soft Computing 72, 140 (2018) http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1568494618304472

Utkin A.B., Chaves P., Fernandes L., Pinto I.V., Revez M.J, "LIF and SFS techniques for early detection of biofilms harmful for cultural heritage", IEEE Xplore , 275 (2018) http://zenodo.org/record/2545433#.XO5Ro4hKiUk

M Bertolete, PA Barbosa, ÁR Machado, RE Samad, ND Vieira, R Vilar, "Effects of texturing the rake surfaces of cemented tungsten carbide tools by ultrashort laser pulses in machining of martensitic stainless steel", J. Adv. Manufacturing Technology , 9 (2018) http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00170-018-2407-x

D. F. Moreira, V. Oliveira, F. G. A. Silva, R. Vilar, M. F. S. F. de Moura,"Influence of laser prepared surfaces on the mode I fracture toughness of carbon-epoxy bonded joints", J.Adhesion and Adhesives 82, 108 (2018) http://repositorio.ipl.pt/handle/10400.21/9127

I. Polushkin, V. Oliveira, R. Vilar, M. He, M. V. Shugaev, and L. V. Zhigile, "Phase-Change Magnetic Memory: Rewritable Ferromagnetism by Laser Quenching of Chemical Disorder in Fe60Al40 Alloy", Phys. Rev. A 10, 024023 (2018) http://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/97af/d45d56dbfea99a14b5a4e8e5a58649ffbbba.pdf

Marques da Silva J., Utkin A.B, "Application of laser-induced fluorescence in functional studies of photosynthetic biofilms.", Processes 6(11), 227 (2018) http://www.mdpi.com/2227-9717/6/11/227

Bundaleska, J. Henriques, M. Abrashev, A. M. Botelho do Rego, A. M. Ferraria, A. Almeida, F.M. Dias, E. Valcheva, B. Arnaudov, E. Tatarova, "Large-scale synthesis of free-standing N-doped graphene using microwave plasma", Sci. Reports , 12595 (2018) http://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-018-30870-3

Carvalho, L. Cangueiro, V. Oliveira, R. Vilar, H. Fernandes, F. Monteiro, "Femtosecond laser microstructured Alumina toughened Zirconia: A new strategy to improve osteogenic differentiation of hMSCs", Appl. Surf. Sci. 435, 1237 (2017) http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0169433217334992

T.F.S. Silva, A.J. Silvestre, B.G.M. Rocha, M.R. Nunes, O.C. Monteiro, L.M.D.R.S. Martins, "Enhancing alkane oxidation using Co-doped SnO2 nanoparticles as catalysts", Catal. Commun. 96, 19 (2017) http://doi.org/10.1016/j.catcom.2017.03.012

F.C. Rodrigues, N. Silvestre, A.M. Deus, "Nonlinear mechanical behaviour of γ-graphyne through an atomistic finite element model", Comp. Mater. Sci. 134, 171 (2017) http://doi.org/10.1016/j.commatsci.2017.03.051

A.J. Silvestre, S. Rout, S. Dalui, L.C.J. Pereira, O. Conde, "Co and (Co, Mo) doping effects on the properties of highly reduced TiO2 anatase thin films", Curr. Appl. Phys. 17, 174 (2017) http://doi.org/10.1016/j.cap.2016.11.015

D.M. Stankovic, L. Svorc, J.F.M.L. Mariano, A. Ortner, K. Kalcher, "Electrochemical determination of natural drug colchicine in pharmaceuticals and human serum sample and its interaction with DNA", Electroanal. 29, 2276 (2017) http://doi.org/10.1002/elan.201700233

Botero, M. Pineau, N. Janot, R. Domingos, J. Mariano, L. Rocha, J. Groenenberg, M. Benedetti, J.P. Pinheiro, "Isolation and purifications treatments change the metal binding properties of humic acids: effect of the HF/HCl treatment", Environ. Chem. 14, 417 (2017) http://doi.org/10.1071/EN17129

Michal Rajnak, Jose Mariano, Milan Timko, Juraj Kurimsky, Bystrik Dolnik, Roman Cimbala, Tomas Tobias, Katarina Paulovicova, and Peter Kopcansky, "Electrical conduction in a transformer oil-based magnetic nanofluid under a DC electric field.", J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 459, 191 (2017) http://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmmm.2017.11.023

J.P.B. Silva, C. Almeida Marques, J. Agostinho Moreira, O. Conde , "Resistive switching in MoSe2/BaTiO3 hybrid structures", J. Mater. Chem. C 5, 10353 (2017) http://doi.org/10.1039/c7tc03024j

Oliveira, "Oscillations of a plate made of A4 sheets of paper", J. Phys , 1 (2017) http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1361-6404/ab1a77

QT Le, R Vilar, C Bertrand, "Influence of external cooling on the femtosecond laser ablation of dentin", Lasers Med. Sci. 32, 1943 (2017) http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10103-017-2277-8

Oliveira, S.P. Sharma, M.F.S.F. de Moura, R.D.F. Moreira, R. Vilar, "Surface treatment of CFRP composites using femtosecond laser radiation", Opt Laser Eng 94, 37 (2017) http://doi.org/10.1016/j.optlaseng.2017.02.011

V. Kovalchuk, I. P. Studenyak, V. Yu. Izai, S.O. Rybak, A.I. Pogodin, P. Kopcansky, M. Timko, V. Gdovinova, J. Mariano, and T.M. Kovalchuk, "Saturation effect for dependence of the electrical conductivity of planar oriented nematic liquid crystal 6CB on the concentration of Cu7PS6 nanoparticles", Semicond. Phys. Quantum Electron. Optoelectron. 20, 437 (2017) http://doi.org/10.15407/spqeo20.04.437

Almeida, P.A. Carvalho, R. Vilar, "Microstructural study of Al-Cr alloys synthesised by laser alloying", SF J Met Sci 1, 1 (2017) http://www.researchgate.net/publication/321919902_Microstructural_Study_of_Al-Cr_Alloys_Synthesised_by_Laser_Alloying

Gameiro, A.B. Utkin, J. Marques da Silva, A.R. Matos, "The use of laser induced chlorophyll fluorescence (LIF) as a fast and non-destructive method to investigate water deficit in Arabidopsis", Agric. Water Manage. 164, 127 (2016) http://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2015.09.008

Oliveira, "Experiments with a falling rod", Am. J. Phys. 84, 113 (2016) http://doi.org/10.1119/1.4934950.

S.P. Sharma, V. Oliveira, R. Vilar, "Morphology and structure of particles produced by femtosecond laser ablation of fused silica", Appl. Phys. A 122, 261 (2016) http://doi.org/10.1007/s00339-016-9859-3

Kamakshi, J.P.B. Silva, K.C. Sekhar, G. Marslin, J. Agostinho Moreira, O. Conde, A. Almeida, M. Pereira, M.J.M. Gomes, "Influence of substrate temperature on the properties of pulsed laser deposited silver nanoparticle thin films and their application in SERS detection of bovine serum albumin", Appl. Phys. B 122, 108 (2016) http://doi.org/10.1007/s00340-016-6385-0

Alexandre Cunha, Anne-Marie-Elie, Laurent Plawinski, Ana Paula Serro, Ana Maria Botelho do Rego, Amelia Almeida, Maria C. Urdaci, Marie-Christine Durrieu, Rui Vilar, "Femtosecond laser surface texturing of titanium as a method to reduce the adhesion of Staphylococcus aureus and biofilm formation", Appl. Surf. Sci. 360, 485 (2016) http://doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2015.10.102

Sar, A. Almeida, R. Ghisleni, L. Dessemond, E. Djurado, "Mechanical behavior of Ce_0.9Gd_0.1O_1.95-La_0.6Sr_0.4Co_0.2Fe_0.8O_3-δ oxygen electrode with a coral microstructure for solid oxide fuel cell and solid oxide electrolyser cell", Ceram. Int. 42, 16981 (2016) http://doi.org/10.1016/j.ceramint.2016.07.204

T. Cabrita, C. Gameiro, A. B. Utkin, B. Duarte, I. Caçador, P. Cartaxana, "Photosynthetic pigment laser-induced fluorescence indicators for the detection of changes associated with trace element stress in the diatom model species Phaeodactylum tricornutum", Environ. Monit. Assess. 188, 285 (2016) http://doi.org/10.1007/s10661-016-5293-4

M. Ligeiro, A. B. Utkin, "Evaluating image recognition efficiency using a self-organizing map", I.J. Image, Graphics and Signal Processing 8, 1 (2016) http://doi.org/10.5815/ijigsp.2016.07.01

B. Utkin, "Spacetime triangle diagram technique for sectoral horn waveguides", IEEE Xplore DD-2016 2016, 431 (2016) http://doi.org/10.1109/DD.2016.7756888

Capelo, M. A. Esteves, A. I. de Sá, R. A. Silva, L. T. Cangueiro, A. Almeida, R. Vilar, C.M. Rangel, "Stability and durability under potential cycling of Pt/C catalyst with new surface-functionalized carbon support", Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 41, 12962 (2016) http://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2016.06.127

A.C. Duarte, N. Franco, A.S. Viana, N.I. Polushkin, A.J. Silvestre, O. Conde, "Argon assisted chemical vapor deposition of CrO2: an efficient process leading to high quality epitaxial films", J. Alloys and Compounds 684, 98 (2016) http://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2016.05.167

Le, C. Bertrand, R. Vilar, "Femtosecond laser ablation of enamel", J. Biomed. Opt. 21, 065005 (2016) http://doi.org/10.1117/1.JBO.21.6.065005.

Le, C. Bertrand, R. Vilar, "Structural modifications induced in dentin by femtosecond laser", J. Biomed. Opt. 21, 125007 (2016) http://doi.org/10.1117/1.JBO.21.12.125007.

N.I. Polushkin, A.C. Duarte, O. Conde, N. Bundaleski, J.O. Ventura, J.P. Araújo, G.N. Kakazei, P. Lupo, A.O. Adeyeye, S. Cardoso, "Electrical switching of magnetization in a layer of α-iron with naturally hydroxidized surface", J. Mater. Chem. C 4, 7751 (2016) http://doi.org/10.1039/C6TC00700G

T. Cangueiro, A. J. Cavaleiro, J. Morgiel, R. Vilar, "Mechanisms of the formation of low spatial frequency LIPSS on Ni/Ti reactive multilayers", J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 49, 365103 (2016) http://doi.org/10.1088/0022-3727/49/36/365103

Liu, Y. Danten, J. Grondin, R. Vilar, "Solvation of AgTFSI in 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium bis (trifluoromethylsulfonyl) imide ionic liquid investigated by vibrational spectroscopy and DFT calculations", J. Raman Spectrosc. 47, 449 (2016) http://doi.org/10.1002/jrs.4835

Karthikeyan, L. Vijayaragavan, S. Madhavan, A. Almeida, "Study on the mechanical properties of heat-treated electroless NiP coatings reinforced with Al2O3 nano particles", Metall. Mater. Trans. A 47, 2223 (2016) http://doi.org/10.1007/s11661-016-3413-y

Bicudo, J. Reis, A.M. Deus, L. Reis and M.F. Vaz. , "Performance evaluation of dental implants: An experimental and numerical simulation study", Theor. Appl. Fract. Mec. , 74 (2016) http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167844216301136

Bicudo, J. Reis, A.M. Deus, L. Reis, M.F. Vaz, "Performance evaluation of dental implants: An experimental and numerical simulation study", Theor. Appl. Fract. Mec. 85, 74 (2016) http://doi.org/10.1016/j.tafmec.2016.08.014

Proceedings Arrow

Sousa R.O., Felde I., Ferreira P.J., Deus A.M., Ribeiro L.M.M, Inverse Methodology for Estimating the Heat Transfer Coefficient in a Duplex Stainless Steel Casting , pp. 56, 2019 http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-02257-0_5

Araújo, M.Leite, A.R. Ribeiro, A.M. Deus, L. Reis, M.F. Vaz, Effect of Geometry on the Mechanical and Failure Properties of Cellular Core Structures, pp. 275, 2018

Szénási, I. Felde, G. Nagy and A. Deus, Estimating the Heat Transfer Coefficient Using Universal Function Approximator Neural Network, pp. 000401, 2018

Utkin A.B., Chaves P., Fernandes L., Pinto I. V. and Revez M. J. , LIF and SFS techniques for early detection of biofilms harmful for cultural heritage , pp. 44, 2018 http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8435198

Fried, G. Pintér, S. Szénási, I. Felde, K. Szél, A. Sáfár, R.O. Sousa, A. Deus, On the Nature-Inspired Algorithms Applied to Characterize Heat Transfer Coefficients, pp. 47, 2018

T Réti, A M Deus, I Felde and M Réger, , On the possible generalization of JMAK-type kinetic functions , pp. 1, 2018

João Fernandes, Augusto M. Deus, Luis Reis, Maria Fátima Vaz, Marco Leite, Study of the influence of 3D printing parameters on the mechanical properties of PLA , pp. 1, 2018 http://dr.ntu.edu.sg/handle/10220/45960?show=full

Pedro Noveleto, Marcelo Bertolete Carneiro, Patrícia Alves Barbosa, Álisson Rocha Machado, Ricardo Elgul Samad, Nilson Dias Vieira Júnior, Wagner de Rossi, Amélia Almeida, Avaliação do Desempenho de Ferramenta de Corte Cerâmica Texturizada na Usinagem de Ferro Fundido Cinzento , pp. 1, COBEF 2017, Joinville, Brazil, 27-29 June 2017 , 2017 http://repositorio.ipen.br:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/28558

Ana Dias, Edgar Felizardo, Miroslav Abrashev, Amélia Almeida, Júlio Henriques and Elena Tatarova, Direct Synthesis of Nanodiamonds by Ar-H2-CH4 Microwave Discharges, pp. 256, extended abstract - ICPIG 2017- International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Estoril, Portugal, 9-14, 2017

Lopes, A. Ramalho, R. Anandkumar, A. Almeida, R. Vilar, C. Figueiredo-Pina, Wear resistance of Al-12wt%Si reinforced with NbC particles by laser cladding , pp. 22, Proc. Int. Conf, BALTTRIB'2017, J. Padgurskas (ed.), 16-17 November 2017, Lithuania, 2017 http://www.doi.org/10.15544/balttrib.2017.06

P Bicudo, J Reis, AM Deus, L Reis, MF Vaz, Mechanical behaviour of dental implants , pp. 26, 2016 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2452321616000068

P Brandão, V Infante, AM Deus, Thermo-mechanical modeling of a high pressure turbine blade of an airplane gas turbine engine, pp. 189, 2016

Thesis Arrow

Jorge Miguel Sá Pinto Torres, Jorge Miguel Sá Pinto Torres, Melhoramento e Automatização de um Sistema de Revestimento Laser, pp. 1, Master Thesis, FCT, Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Supervisor: T. Morgado, 2019

Ana Beatriz Silvestre Ferreira, Comportamento Tribológico de Superfícies Metálicas Nanotexturadas com Lasers de Femtosegundo, pp. 1, Master Thesis, IST, ULisboa. Supervisors: R. Vilar/ A. Almeida, 2017

Miguel Lopes, Comportamento tribológicos de compósitos AlSi-NbC sintetizados por deposição assistida por laser, pp. 1, Master Thesis, Escola Superior de Tecnologia, Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal. Supervisors: C. Figueiredo-Pina/ A. Almeida., 2017

Quang Tri Le, Laser Ablation of Dentin and its Medical Application, pp. 1, PhD Thesis, Instituto Superior Tecnico and Universty of Bordeaux (France). Supervisor: Rui Vilar , 2017

Paul Hervier, Surface functionalization of Zr-based metallic glasses, pp. 1, PhD Thesis, Instituto Superior Tecnico and Grenoble INP (France). Supervisor: Rui Vilar, 2017

Liliana Teresinho Cangueiro, Ultrafast laser tissue cutting and removal for applications in orthopaedic surgery, pp. 1, PhD Thesis, IST, ULisboa. Supervisors: Rui Mario Correia da Silva Vilar/ Victor Manuel Barbas Oliveira, 2017

Ana Teixeira, Caracterização de propriedades termo-electricas de metal duro, pp. 1, Master Thesis, IST, Ulisboa, Supervisors: A. Almeida / R. Vilar, 2016

Ana Beatriz Silvestre Ferreira, Comportamento Tribológico de Superfícies Metálicas Nanotexturadas com Lasers de Femtosegundo, pp. 1, Master Thesis, IST, Ulisboa, Supervisors: Rui Vilar/ A. Almeida, 2016

Carolina Marques, Growth and characterization of low dimensional Mo selenides, pp. 1, Master Thesis, FC, ULisboa, Supervisor: Olinda Conde, 2016

Isabel Alves Lopes, Influence of laser-induced surface nanotextures on the tribological behaviour of silicon, pp. 1, Master Thesis, IST, Ulisboa, Supervisor: Rui Vilar, 2016

Quang Tri Le, Laser Ablation of Dentin and its Medical Application, pp. 1, PhD Thesis, IST, ULisboa, Supervisor: Rui Vilar, 2016

Cristina Piotto, Physical and mechanical properties of femtosecond laser textured metallic surfaces, pp. 1, Master Thesis, IST, Ulisboa, Supervisor: Rui Vilar, 2016

Liliana Teresinho Cangueiro, Ultrafast Laser Tissue Cutting and Removal for Applications in Orthopaedic Surgery, pp. 1, PhD Thesis, IST, ULisboa, Supervisors: Rui Vilar/ Victor Oliveira, 2016

Luís Paulo Lourenço Alexandre, Aplicação de Técnicas Lean às Instalações Fabris e à Gestão da Manutenção numa PME Metalomecânica., pp. 1, Master Thesis, FCT, Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Supervisor: T. Morgado, 2015

Diogo Pestana de Almeida Santos, Capacitação de uma empresa aeronáutica para manutenção de alguns componentes de aeronaves, pp. 1, Master Thesis, FCT, Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Supervisor: T. Morgado, 2015

Tiago Miguel Duarte Palmeira, Estudo de Melhoria da Gestão de um Terminal Petrolífero, pp. 1, Master Thesis, FCT, Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Supervisor: T. Morgado, 2015

Alexandre Cunha, Femtosecond Laser-­‐Induced Micro-­‐Nanofeatures on Biomaterial Surfaces for Osseointegration Enhancement, pp. 1, PhD Thesis, IST-­Universidade de Lisboa/Université de Bordeaux. Supervisors: R. Vilar, A. Almeida / M-­C Durrieu (Université , 2015

Carole Loable, Functionalization of stainless steels for biomedical applications, pp. 1, PhD Thesis, IST, Universidade de Lisboa / Grenoble INP. Supervisors: R. Vilar / R. Nogueira (Grenoble INP), 2015

Pedro Marques Borges Brandão, Thermo-‐mechanical Modelling of a High Pressure Turbine Blade of an Airplane Gas Turbine Engine, pp. 1, Master Thesis, IST, ULisboa. Supervisors: A. Moita de Deus/ V. Infante, 2015

— Prof. M.J.M. Gomes and Dr. J.P.B. Silva (University of Minho)
— Dr. Carmen Rangel (LNEG, Portugal)
— Profs. C. Kiminami and C. Bolfarini (Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil)
— Profª Odila Florêncio (Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, S. Paulo, Brazil)
— Prof. Jeff de Hosson (Univ. Groningen, The Netherlands)
— Drs. W. Rossi and D. Zezell (Nuclear Research Institute, Brazil)
— Dr. M.C. Durrieu (University of Bordeaux, France)
— Profs. R. Nogueira and E. Djurado (Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble, France)
— Dr. Y. Zhang (General Research Institute for Nonferrous Metals of Beijing, China)
— Prof. A. Perrone (University of Salento, Italy)
— Dra. Elena Tatarova (IPFN, Portugal)
— Prof. Uros Cvelbar (Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia)
— Prof. T. Reti, Prof. I. Felde, Obuda University, Budapest, Hungary
— Prof. Philippe Lours, Univ. Toulouse and École des Mines d’Albi-Carmaux, France
— Prof. Laura M. M. Ribeiro, Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (FEUP)
— Prof. Pedro Alpuim, Dep. Física Universidade do Minho and INL
— Dr. Wagner de Rossi, IPEN – Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, São Paulo, Brasil
— Prof. Frank Bruekner, Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology IWS, Technische Universität Dresden
— Prof. Luis Rebouta, Departamento de Física – Universidade do Minho
— Prof. Marcelo FMoura, Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica, Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (FEUP)

Materials Characterisation 2019, 9th International Conference on Computational Methods and Experiments in Material Characterisation, 22-24 May 2019, Lisboa, Portugal. R. Vilar Conference Chairman, A. Almeida member of International Scientific Advisory Committee.

São Paulo School on Advanced Science on Frontiers in Lasers and their Applications, 2018-07-16 to 2018-07-27, IPEN – Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares. R. Vilar member of the Program Committee, invited speaker.

One member of the Group is currently supported by FAPESP and Ciência sem Fronteiras grants for supervising PhD and postdoctoral researchers in Universidade Federal de São Carlos and IPEN – Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, Brazil.


— NATRIBO Network – Nanotribology, European Science Foundation
— COST Action G7 – Artwork Conservation by Laser
— COST Action MP1303 – Understanding and Controlling Nano and Mesoscale Friction

Investigation of the electrical transport and thermoelectric properties of Fe3O4/SiO2/p-Si(100) heterostructures grown by PLD; state-of-the-art values of thermoelectric power factor were obtained at room temperature.

Nanopatterning of Ti alloy surfaces and magnetic gratings in Fe-V thin-film alloys by femtosecond laser interference was demonstrated.

It was shown that: i) an alternating magnetic field applied to a patterned heterostructure with different saturation magnetizations can excite dipolar spin waves within a narrow frequency band; ii) a dc current causes a frequency shift of the spin-wave propagation gap associated with the spin-wave Doppler effect, with potential application in driving on-chip microwave magnetic devices.

It was shown that transport spin polarization in CrO2 films is not sensitive to morphological changes and to temperature, which is encouraging for spintronic applications.

It was shown that oxygen vacancies play a fundamental role in promoting the long-range ferromagnetic order in anatase Co:TiO2 nanopowders.

Ti alloys with optimized biomechanical behavior in the Ti-M1-M2 systems (M1, M2 = Mo, Nb, Zr, Ta) were designed by laser-assisted combinatorial synthesis. These alloys have potential for bone-replacement applications where intense stress-shielding effects may occur.

The microstructure control mechanisms in Al-based metal matrix composites deposited by laser cladding were identified and the deposition parameters optimized.

The conditions for epitaxial growth in laser powder deposition of single crystalline Ni-based superalloys were established and the explanation for the γ/γ’ abnormal precipition often obseved in laser deposited material found. On the basis of this knowledge heat treatments leading to the correct microstructure were developed.

It was shown that high intensity ultrafast laser ablation of dentin, enamel and bone occurs by an ablation that minimizes degradation of the remaining tissue and has great potential for minimally invasive surgery.

A method for medium and short-distance remote detection and characterization of oil spills based on spectral analysis of laser-induced fluorescence generated by a frequency-tripled Nd:YAG laser was developed.

The migratory rhythms of epipelic benthic microalgae in muddy sediments were investigated by LIF:LIDAR for the first time. The progressive accumulation of biomass in the upper sediment during diurnal low tide periods followed by rapid downward migration before high tide could be detected.

An innovative bit-mapped laser cork marking system was developed for the Company Azevedos Industria.

It was demonstrated that the nanoplanes created in bulk silica by a high intensity femtosecond laser pulse contain a large proportion of O vacancies. Heat conduction for the bulk induces precipitation of hexagonal SiO2 4-10 nm nanocrystals.

Detection and evaluation of health and photo-physiological status or algae and higher plants using laser induced fluorescence.

Evaluation of biomass and migration cycles of the microphytobenthic communities using optical methods.

Development of optical methods for remote fire and intrusion detection.

Search for technical solutions for pulsed — in particular, localized — wave generation by transient currents originated from interaction between radiation and medium.